A Case of Mistaken Identity


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Larry Garrett thought that a romantic week in Paris for him and his girl friend Terry might help to renew some of the love they once shared but it wasn’t working out that way. She started to complain before they even stepped onto the plane in Chicago and after embarrassing him several times it had eventually came to a head. He stormed out of the hotel room and decided that he would explore Paris alone.

Still seething inside from their last argument they’d had, he wandered the streets aimlessly with the rain dripping down his face feeling sorry for himself. With nothing better to do he spent most of the afternoon looking in store windows and it was while he was looking at some quirky fashions in a high end store that he saw the reflection of a very beautiful woman coming up behind him.

Charlie Gilchrist,” she cried, “What are you dong in Paris.”

The next thing he knew he was getting a big hug and then a kiss on the lips. He wanted to say his name wasn’t Charlie but she was bubbling over with excitement and he was overwhelmed.

“I have seen you for almost five years – how ya’ been?”

“Fine,” shrugged Larry, “Fine.”

“You wouldn’t believe what’s happened to me since Chicago,” she laughed, “I’m one of the top models here now – I’ve really made it – you always said I would.”

“Yes – I did always say that,” Larry mumbled.

“You should see my apartment – it’s in the most beautiful old building just around the corner from here.” she paused, “Hey why don’t you come and take a look for yourself and have some coffee – you always said I made the best coffee in Chicago – now I make the best coffee in Paris.”

She took his arm and literally dragged the dazed Larry down the street. He didn’t know who this double was, that she had mistaken him for, but he thought, “if that lucky bastard has been into her pants I envy him.”

Dakota, that was her name, was everything you’d expect in a Paris fashion model, she was tall, slender with long legs that were displayed for all to see via her short skirt and the most beautiful ass he’d ever seen in his life.

The apartment was almost as cute as she was. Quite oldie-worldly, furnished with antique pieces you wouldn’t have associated with a young nubile and upwardly mobile woman.

“Do you remember how I used to drag you around garage sales picking up all those odd bits of objet d’art,” she laughed, as she caught him admiring an ancient looking oil painting that hung on the wall.

He gave a weak yes but was swallowing hard at the same time. Dakota had taken off her coat and her see-through top showed off her small, but beautiful tits.

She saw him looking at then and cupped them with her hands, “A long time since you’ve had the pleasure of sucking these,” she smiled, sending pins and needles through his whole body. “We used to fuck like rabbits back then didn’t we?”

Larry had gone even too weak to nod and his breathing was becoming deep and uneven.

“It’s been years since we did it together,” she said, with a look of longing on her face, “Why don’t we have coffee later and climb in the sack for an hour.”

Larry pinched his leg and it hurt, so he knew he wasn’t dreaming and when Dakota covered his lips with hers and started to stroke his dick, he prayed that it wasn’t a dream.

“Hey – why don’t I do your favorite,” she smiled, moving away from him, “I bet you’d like that – wouldn’t you.”

He nodded enthusiastically even though he hadn’t a fucking clue what she was talking about. Dakota moved over to he CD player, put on a CD and began to gyrate her body like a Middle Eastern dancer. She gradually unbuttoned her top and threw it at him. Her tits looked so inviting and Larry felt sure he was going to be able to get them into his mouth real soon.

When she unzipped and dropped her little skirt to the ground and then wiggled out of her brief white panties, it was all he could do to control himself.

Standing there completely nude she told him it was now his turn. Larry had never done a strip in his life but he was determined to put on a show regardless of how embarrassed he felt. He ended getting a little round of applause and so he thought he must have performed at least as well as the legendary Charlie.

When they were both bollock naked she suddenly cried out, “If you can catch me you can fuck me,” and she disappeared into the bedroom. Larry took after her expecting to have to chase after her around the rather small apartment but when he got in there she just lay on the bed holding out her arms in welcome.

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