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Rija Mae Ties Fayth On Fire for Underwater Bondage Fun, faythonfire​

Rija and I have been friends for years and I trust her devious mind and ways with the rope. No matter what type of bondage she puts me in, i know I will be safe. She spends time tying me up outside the pool at you watch from inside the pool w your Gopro. There is very little audio but there is lots of emotions and action happening even if you cant hear us clearly or at all. Once she completes what bondage she can tie on me at the pools edge, she then guides me into the pool and uses a pool toy inflatable to help keep my bound body afloat as she finishes off hogtying me. First she makes me think the inflatable will always be with me to help me think i will float, but instead she pops it causing my bound body to sink and my mind to relax and panic silently into her trusting arms. She then continues to dunk me beneath the water and only lets me breath when she feels I should. I open my eyes beneath the water as you join me with your gopro to watch how I react under the surface. I look at you, i let out my air in the form of bubbles and come up to the surface to breath and smile alot. I seem to float on my own so she has to put a bit more effort into forcing me below the water. She smiles, i smile, you smile watching her torment me as you continue to watch as we have fun in the water in sunny Spain. I hope you enjoyed this g/g bondage torment as much as Rija and I did.


Bondage Endurance at BoundCon 19 with JJ Plush part 1 of 2, faythonfire​

Since BoundCon 2020 didnt happen, I had to reminisce on what we missed out on and the beautiful people and the wonderful bondage that happens constantly. This particular fun bondage show for any audience to watch and take pictures of was a new feature and it was to see if the model could endure 45 minutes of bondage by whomever and however the rigger decided to challenge the model. I was very lucky and was paired up with JJ Plush. She is so tough and sadistic but I trust her with my every inch. I did not know if I could endure 45 minutes of her devious ways as she crotch ropes me, ties me helplessly with while rope and has me lay on a lovely cage for her to add and change a few different gags thru out and adds plastic painful clips to my nips and just have fun with me, as her helpless damsel that will be here for a while. The music from the main stage is heard but also our chitchat banter is also clear. I cant help but smile behind my gag as she is just so lovely, but oh so mean too.


Bondage Endurance at BoundCon 19 with JJ Plush part 2 of 2, faythonfire​

So JJ has me tied up so lovely and strict on display for everyone at Boundcon 2019 to see me gagged and helpless. She has changed my gag out a few times and watched as I try to succeed at this 45 minute bondage endurance challenge. Luckily, her and I have a lovely friend aka fucker aka a big dick as a buddy that offers to help hydrate me and make sure Im not too hot under these lights. What a lovely gesture for Jim Hunter to offer. Altho my gag is not removed as he pours the water in my mouth and over my face making a mess of me. What a pal, what a pal as I talk and call him names thru my multiple layer gag. He and JJ are happy now as they decide I needed more plastic cloth pins put all over my body and face. Ahh..Now I feel this is an audience participation bondage scene but fun none the less. This completes the 45 minute challenge I have was successful but also very gracious for the distractions by my lovely friends too. JJ ungags me and unties me and we see just how unkept my makeup and hair now are. Geesh, i look like a mess but with a smile:)


Gold Avenger BTrilogy Tied up tidings, 4tomiko​

Gold Avenger (BTrilogy) has snuck into the rear of the headquarters of the evil nerd, Tomiko. She takes Superheroines and ties them up in order to be able to score points with the villains. Not ever being popular in high school, she wants a chance at the men. These hot Superheroines are attracting all the good ones and she wants her big shot at one. By taking them down and tying them up, they are out of the way. Gold Avenger does see this coming and down she goes. Put into two different bound situations, there is no escape for the Gold Avenger.


Robyn Brooke Thomsen lifted, carried and tied, 4tomiko​

Robin (Brooke Thomsen) arrives to Tomiko’s new hideout to take her into jail. Tomiko has other ideas. When Robin tried to grab Tomiko, Tomiko packs her with a punch sending her into dreamland. She lifts and carries her around the room in three different carries. She plays with her limp body between carries. She decides that a client would love to buy Robin and makes the call. She is right! She gets Robin ready for shipment by tying her up in a hogtie. She wakes her up and has to silence her with a cloth gag. Tomiko leaves her to struggle.


Caroline Pierce and Tomiko – Amethyst in a bind, 4tomiko​

Amethyst (Caroline Pierce) comes to the Witch’s (Tomiko) house to bust her for her black magic. This evil must stop! Shot POV, the witch plays with the unsuspecting Amethyst using her black magic to release the gas that will send her to nap time. When she comes to, she sees that she has been tied up. She struggles in the ropes, but it is no use. The ropes are enchanted with special magic that keeps her from being able to break free. The more she struggles, the stronger the ropes start to feel. Witch Tomiko has some plans to get rid of this super menace. She uses her black magic to put her back to nap time.


Dragonlady’s mini she trap for wonder Tomi, 4tomiko​

Dragonlady (Nyssa Nevers) and Mini She (Tiny Texie) are ready to take on Wonder Tomi (Tomiko). Wonder Tomi confronts Dragonlady. She laughs and calls for Mini She. Tomiko is confused. Who is this little person and why is she mimicking all of Dragonlady’s moves?? Dragonlady orders her to attack. Mini She runs towards Wonder Tomi and send her to the ground with her fan. She has super human strength and holds down Wonder Tomi. Dragonlady ties up Wonder Tomi. They pull out feathers and use other things to tickle Wonder Tomi. Here boobs start to come out of her top and she is humiliated. Her nipple is tickled with the feather as they continue to make fun of Wonder Tomi and mock her. They steal her power items and leave Wonder Tomi left to struggle. What just happened?? Is this a dream or her worst nightmare??


Sleepy Bunny, 4tomiko​

Three scenes where a burglar (Tomiko) puts Bunny into Dreamland. In the first scene, she is caught off guard after getting home from the gym. In the second and third scenes, she is bound and gagged. She is sent to dreamland in those scenes as well. Right to the point, no storylines really leading up to the scenes.


Super slut Abby Marie bound, 4tomiko​

Corrupt Nurse Tomiko has a business where she puts down helpless patients and sells them out to her clients. Super Slut (Abby Marie) decides that she is superheroine enough to go after this evil nurse. She doesn’t realize that the nurse has set up a trap. She hides and waits for Super Slut to arrive. She surprises her by sending her to dreamland. She ties her up and puts a tape gag on her to keep her silent. With a leather gloved hand, she even does a hand over mouth. She puts her down to dreamland a few different times. The last time is to get her to be easy for shipment. Where she is going, she will be able to live up to her name.


Kitty Kilmore – Surprise surprise, we have a brat on our hands, borntobebound​

Kitty gets the restraint chair challenge in a custom video. My instructions were to be herself and not over act but try to get out. Well, well, well herself is pretty animated/ fiery I suppose! I tell her I’m going to do a getting to know you clip, and not to be a damsel, just to be herself but she is a lifestyler and a brat, which I didn’t know….so she enjoys a good fight which I was not expecting or looking for. You can see my facial expressions as we proceed. She was making life harder on herself, but that is what she likes….The ballgag looks good on her, those gray gloss pantyhose look good on her. Eventually her mouth is stuffed with an entire bandana, good girl! Her head is wrapped with black tape and then white vetwrap. She is hogtied and left trying to get out. I’m looking forward to her coming back some time and doing more along the lines of take down scenes. I’m getting a little stronger, seeing a trainer.
