Clea La Soumise En Streaming Clea Desires Of Submission 2019


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Clea La Soumise En Streaming Clea Desires Of Submission 2019

Starring: Mariska X, Claire Castel, Clea Gaultier
Categories: 4K Ultra HD, Anal, Blowjobs, Cumshots, Double Penetration, Facials, French, Prebooks, Sex Toy Play, Voyeurism
Marc Dorcel (2019)

Clea, Desires of Submission
The story of total abandon of one to another...Clea, an unconditional submissive! Madly in love with her dominant, Jean, Cla is prepared to do anything to satisfy him. But her love is exclusive and she cannot stand Jean initiating other submissives. Overwhelmed by this all-consuming jealousy, Jean decides to entrust Cla to a former dominant, Philippe, who has abandoned the world of SM after falling in love with one of his partners. Accompanied by Claire, one of Jeans friends and former submissives, Cla leaves for a few days vacation at Philippes house, without suspecting that this stay will change her life forever... Flaunted, shared with unknown men, offered to Philippes friends, Cla surrenders body and soul to this new master who she learns to know and tame, while Philippe gradually falls under the spell of this magnificent young woman and gets back his taste for dominance. As for Claire, she realizes that Jean still knows how to control his desires, and little by little gives in to the orders he whispers to her, going so far as to seduce an unknown man on a highway service area and give herself to him at the back of his van... Between power games and sex games, this is a story of two young women ruled by their passion.

Cléa Gaultier est follement amoureuse de Jean Lefort, son Maître qu’elle cherche à satisfaire à tout prix. Son amour pour lui est si exclusif que Cléa ne supporte plus que Jean initie d’autres soumises. Contrairement à celles-ci, Cléa est peu farouche et accepte bien volontiers de faire tout ce que son Maître lui demande. Se faire sodomiser par deux hommes à la fois dans un club libertin SM lui semble tellement naturel qu’elle s’exécute sans aucun problème sous les yeux de son initiateur et de Claire, une ancienne soumise. Cette dernière, très excitée par la scène ne tarde pas à rejoindre Cléa dans ses ébats.

Totalement dépassé par les événements, Jean tente d’apaiser les tensions en confiant sa protégée à Philippe Soine, un Maître aujourd’hui à la retraite. Il avait lui-même dû se retirer du circuit SM après être tombé amoureux de l’une de ses partenaires. Accompagnée de Claire, la jolie Cléa part donc quelques jours en vacances en Normandie dans la propriété de Philippe pour y faire de nouvelles découvertes et pour y expérimenter de nouveaux jeux de soumission. Elle n’imagine pas un instant que ce séjour loin de son quotidien va totalement changer sa vie.

A peine les deux jeunes femmes arrivées à destination, Philippe prend les choses en main et ordonne à Cléa de se déshabiller devant lui dans son studio photo. Très vite, il la laisse seule, dans le noir. Déstabilisée, Cléa sent les mains d’un inconnu parcourir son corps. Totalement offerte, elle prodiguera une fellation d’anthologie à cet homme qu’elle ne reverra sans doute jamais. Et ce n'est que le début

Le lendemain, au cours d’une discussion avec Claire, Philippe réalise que les deux jeunes femmes ne sont pas venues là que pour se reposer loin de la capitale. Il comprend vite que Jean lui a envoyé Cléa pour qu’elle devienne sa nouvelle soumise. Prétextant un rendez-vous important à Paris, Claire laisse Cléa seule en compagnie de Philippe pour qu’il devienne son nouveau Maître, entièrement à sa disposition

La jolie blonde ayant terminé sa « formation », elle est désormais libre de vivre ses propres fantasmes, ses propres désirs. Ce soir, ses pulsions la mènent sur un parking d’autoroute quasiment désert. Elle y rencontre un inconnu à qui elle s’offre entièrement. Passant les préliminaires, l’homme profite du corps de Claire qui souhaitait juste assouvir ses pulsions, sans aucune promesse de se revoir.

Au cours d’un dîner, Philippe et Cléa expliquent à leurs hôtes Pascal et Mariska que leur relation un peu particulière est entièrement basée sur la confiance. Le couple souhaite acheter les clichés de Philippe reconverti en photographe depuis qu’il a arrêté sa première « carrière ». Intriguée et excitée à la fois, Mariska accepte de se livrer à des jeux lesbiens avec la soumise de son hôte.

Une fois leurs invités partis, très excités par les anecdotes de Philippe et Cléa, Pascal et Mariska et le moment que vient de partager Mariska avec cette dernière, décident de prolonger la soirée à même la table du salon. Il y a fort à parier qu’ils n’avaient pas fait l’amour aussi passionnément depuis fort longtemps.

Philippe ayant repris goût à la domination, il décide d’emmener Cléa dans un club libertin qu’il connaît bien pour qu’elle lui prouve qu’elle est digne de devenir sa nouvelle soumise. La jeune femme se livrera sans retenue à quatre hommes à la fois qui profiteront de tous ses orifices jusqu’à l’extase. Malgré le changement de lieu et de Maître, Cléa retombe rapidement dans ses travers du passé et redevient une jeune femme ultra possessive qui ne veut qu’un seul Maître.

Après Claire Castel et Lana Rhoades, c’est aujourd’hui au tour de la Dorcel Girl Cléa Gaultier d’endosser le rôle principal et de découvrir le monde de la soumission et de la domination de l’intérieur.

Cléa Gaultier is madly in love with Jean Lefort, her Master whom she tries to satisfy at all costs. His love for him is so exclusive that Cléa can not bear anymore that Jean initiates other submissives. Unlike these, Cléa is not very shy and willingly willing to do everything that his Master asks him. To be sodomized by two men at a time in a libertine club SM seems so natural that it runs without any problem under the eyes of his initiator and Claire, a former submissive. The latter, very excited by the scene not long to join Cléa in his antics.

Totally overwhelmed by the events, Jean tries to ease the tension by entrusting his protégé to Philippe Soine, a Master now retired. He himself had to withdraw from the SM circuit after falling in love with one of his partners. Accompanied by Claire, the pretty Cléa leaves for a few days on holiday in Normandy in the property of Philippe to make new discoveries and to experiment new games of submission. She can not imagine for a moment that this stay away from her daily life will totally change her life.

Just two young women arrived at their destination, Philippe takes things in hand and orders Cléa to undress in front of him in his studio photo. Very quickly, he leaves her alone, in the dark. Destabilized, Cléa feels the hands of an unknown person running through his body. Totally offered, she will give a blowjob anthology to this man she will probably never see again. And that's just the beginning

The next day, during a discussion with Claire, Philippe realizes that the two young women did not come here to rest far from the capital. He quickly understands that Jean sent him Cléa to become his new submissive. Pretending an important meeting in Paris, Claire leaves Cléa alone in the company of Philippe so that he becomes his new Master, entirely at his disposal

The pretty blonde having completed her "training", she is now free to live his own fantasies, his own desires. Tonight, her urges lead her to an almost deserted highway parking lot. She meets a stranger to whom she offers herself entirely. Passing the preliminaries, the man takes advantage of the body of Claire who just wanted to satisfy his impulses, without any promise to see each other again.

During a dinner, Philippe and Cléa explain to their hosts Pascal and Mariska that their special relationship is entirely based on trust. The couple wants to buy Philippe's snapshots converted into a photographer since he stopped his first "career". Intrigued and excited at the same time, Mariska agrees to engage in lesbian games with the submissive of her host.

Once their guests left, very excited by the anecdotes of Philippe and Cléa, Pascal and Mariska and the moment just shared by Mariska with the latter, decide to extend the evening at the table of the show. It's a safe bet that they had not made love so passionately for a long time.

Philippe having resumed his taste for domination, he decides to take Cléa to a libertine club that he knows well that she proves to him that she is worthy to become his new submissive. The young woman will indulge without restraint to four men at a time who will enjoy all its orifices until ecstasy. Despite the change of place and Master, Cléa quickly falls back into her past woes and becomes a young ultra possessive woman who wants only one Master.

After Claire Castel and Lana Rhoades, it is now the turn of the Dorcel Girl Cléa Gaultier to take the lead and discover the world of submission and domination from within.

File Size : 3541.4 MB
Resolution : 960x540
Duration : 01:25:06

