Domination For Your Own Good (Katherine Worthington)


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Spank and stroke along with Miss Katherine and Lady Alice - self spanking tutorial

You just can’t seem to stay out of trouble now, can you? We know exactly what you did. Did you think we weren’t going to find out? It’s time for a little retraining, listening and following our instructions. Since we can’t be there in person to administer your punishment, you’re going to do it along with us. Obtain any two objects that you have on hand that can be used as spanking implements. One for your bottom and one for your cock. We’ll make due with whatever you have on hand. We want your bare bottom nice and exposed, then together, we’re going to be dealing with your behavior a little differently this time. We’re going to make sure you get spanked AND learn some self control.

This means you have no choice but to do exactly what we say. We'll take off your pants, then you’ll be following along as we put you to the test by teasing you as we demonstrate how to spank your own bottom, then spanking your cock, edging and stroking too. You’ll also get to go over both our laps and each of us will spank your bottom until it is a nice shade of red. The question is, will you be a good boy and follow instructions so you can earn the reward to kiss our beautiful bottoms, then cum afterwards?

Join us to find out!

Alice Sky, Katherine Worthington

Spank and stroke along with Miss Katherine and Lady Alice.mp4 - 1.3 GB

Double trouble! Hotel Manager Miss Katherine spanks hard as Guest Kiki Cali watches on and helps! - HD 1080

Hotel manager Miss Katherine gets a phone call from Hotel Guest Kiki Cali that the two maintenance men that had been working in Kiki’s room had broken into her overnight bag full of panties/valuables. Miss Katherine goes to Guest Kiki’s room to confront the two errant employees. She decides that a painful lesson is in order that neither of them would soon forget. They were both going to be intensely punished with real spankings for what they had done, and Guest Kiki Cali would not only witness their entire ordeal, but help, too. Clearly an example needed to be made of them both.

Miss Katherine takes the first very embarrassed employee's pants/underwear down first, bending him over the bed, scolding him like a petulant boy and wasting no time blistering his bottom with a wooden paddle and a stingy rubber strap as Guest Kiki amusingly watches on. He continues to wiggle in pain, so Guest Kiki straddles his back to help hold him still. Kiki excitedly helps Miss Katherine by administering some swats herself. From there, Miss Katherine puts him in the corner with his reddened backside exposed, where he has no choice but to think about his behavior and helplessly listen on as the second employee (who was the instigator of the shenanigans to start with) gets it even worse from both Miss Katherine AND guest Kiki. They take turns using wooden paddles on him, plus the rubber strap, his own belt, a London Tanners “tenderizer” and a leather prison strap.

Then to make sure Miss Katherine fully got her point across, she has both miscreants apologize to Guest Kiki then back over the side of bed they both go, bottom out, side by side. Miss Katherine & Miss Kiki straddle both their backs, raining swat after swat with wooden paddles until they are fully contrite and very sorry, only to have to go back to work with very sore and bruised backsides! Bet they’ll think twice next time!

This video is jam packed, shot POV style with no faces shown or names used, where you are pulled into our world & can easily envision yourself in both of their place. Includes great elements of: wooden paddles, rubber strap, belt, London Tanner’s “Tenderizer” and leather prison strap.

A must have for your collection!

Enjoy! xo

Katherine Worthington, Kiki Cali

Double Trouble - Hotel Manager Miss Katherine spanks hard - HD 1080.mp4 - 1.3 GB

Stealing Sister's car earns you a very public spanking from Mom Miss Katherine and Sister Madison

You knew what would happen if you were caught stealing your Sister’s car and took it out for a joyride again. You were warned… but took your chances and snuck it out again anyway, thinking you’d have it back before your shy, but sassy Sister (Madison) and your Mom (Miss Katherine) got back home. You were sadly mistaken. What you didn’t count on was not only did they both get home early, but the next door neighbor spotted you on the road and ratted you out about it! You didn’t think for a second that your Mom and Sister would actually come find you and spank you outdoors in the parking lot of where you had parked the car, but au contraire!

You walk back to the parked car expecting to simply drive it back home undetected, but Mom Katherine and Sister Madison are waiting for you outside in the parking lot with belt and paddle in hand. You are quickly reminded after what you’ve done, you have lost the luxury of privacy and earned yourself a very painful, PUBLIC and embarrassing lesson. You get a good scolding, then without any hesitation or concern of your privates showing in front of passerby's, your Sister Madison watches on in glee as your Mom yanks your shorts and underwear down, putting you across her lap in the seat of the car you took and proceeds with an OTK hand spanking, followed by some with her hairbrush in full view of passing traffic. She doesn’t think that is nearly enough to help you atone for what you’ve done, so she whips out her wooden paddle, raining swat after swat as you whimper and squirm. Your shy, but sassy Sister never has had the opportunity to spank you- until today. Since this is not the first time you’ve stolen her car AND you made her late for work as a result, in addition to the punishment you receive from Mom, you also get it from Sister Madison, too. She timidly gives you some swats of her own with the paddle as well as your Step-Dad’s belt. They even give you double swats with both paddle and belt at the same time, leaving you a very sore and contrite young man!

Your Mom doesn’t want to hear another word out of you and shoves a bar of soap in your mouth, then drags you by the ear, throwing you into the backseat of her car on your tender behind, so you can quietly think about what you’ve done all the way home!

Shot in a third party POV format (face barely shown) so you feel you are actually there and can fully immerse yourself as if you're the one getting spanked. A must have for your collection!

Katherine Worthington, Madison Swan

File Name : Stealing sisters car earns you a very public spanking HD 1080.mp4
File Size : 792.38 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:11:11

Stealing sisters car earns you a very public spanking HD 1080.mp4 - 792.4 MB

Behavioral modification specialist Miss Katherine and Miss Mia delivers creative punishment for your misdeeds

If you liked “Behavioral modification specialist Miss Katherine delivers REAL punishment for your misdeeds, but looking for a more lighthearted, new creative twist, you’ll love this video featuring Miss Katherine and her new colleague, Miss Mia.

You’re back.. The list of your misbehaviors have been adding up again. Luckily, your infractions this time didn’t warrant as severe of a spanking as with your last punishment therapy visit, but nonetheless, the time for your discipline has still come.

This time, your newest confession has landed you back in behavioral modification counseling again with highly recommended correctional Miss Katherine and her new colleague, Miss Mia to help you get back on track. Miss Katherine is caring but strict and believes corporal punishment is always an appropriate, effective form of discipline and can truly help those in need of atonement, no matter the age.

Miss Mia greets you at the door, then without any hesitation or concern, instructs you to remove your pants and underwear in front of her as she watches on unfazed. She brings you in to start your punishment therapy with Miss Katherine as she watches on and assists. Miss Katherine makes it clear since you have a hard time controlling yourself and taking chances so much to the point it has become a problem, she must teach you the error of your ways by doing a creatively different type of punishment. In addition to an over the knee hand spanking from both of them, you will have to endure the suspense of having to choose each next step of your punishment fate from sealed envelopes, then delivered directly across your bottom on the spot. Each swat will be carefully applied by both of them to teach you a lesson.

They put you through the paces as they deliver a methodical punishment with some added surprises, different positions (& different camera angles) as they really get your attention and redden your behind with a hairbrush, leather paddle, two other leather implements, then finish with a double strapping.

Needless to say, you will not be napping comfortably tonight. This is one creative therapy session you will never forget!

Miss Mia, Katherine Worthington

Behavioral modifiction specialist Miss Katherine and Miss Mia - HD 1080 v2.mp4 - 1.6 GB

Pants down - bottoms up! If you want to date my stepdaughter, you have to please ME first!

You just can't seem to behave, can you? You've been pursuing Miss Katherine's stepdaughter, Shelley. A shy, curvy Stepmomma’s girl that is a virgin and still lives with her Mom Katherine, but you hadn't got it to the "next level" with her yet. You even had the audacity to creatively sneak a box of sex toys, condoms and lube into her room days prior, in hopes that while her Mom Katherine was at work, you could conveniently get lucky. You were on the way over today, expecting privacy and Miss Katherine to not be home, but oh contraire! As it turns out, Miss Katherine gets home from work early to find the open box of paraphernalia and confronts Shelley about it, who embarrassingly admits it was all your idea. Mom Katherine encourages Shelley to go ahead and get ready for her date with you anyway, but she was definitely going to have a few "words" with you first.

You are met at the door by tall, statuesque Miss Katherine, who confronts and scolds you for being a sneaky perv. She reminds you that Shelley comes from a conservative, female led relationship type family and that if you want to date Shelley, you’re going to have to prove yourself worthy by doing whatever it takes by pleasing HER (as in Miss Katherine) first and take a proper punishment.

Miss Katherine makes you strip off all your clothes as you smirk, hoping she’s just kidding, which earns you a hard slap in the face and a painful/embarrassing lesson in obedience. If you can’t act like a gentleman, she’s going to MAKE you into one! She has you get on your knees and kiss both her shoes, then grabs you by the hair of the head to sniff her crotch as she mercilessly teases you. You whine in embarrassment, humiliated beyond belief! After this, your embarrassment continues as Miss Katherine towers over you with her long, stocking clad legs, proceeding to hold you tightly by the hip and blister your bare bottom over her silky lap, then over the couch and standing, too.

Meanwhile, Stepdaughter Shelley finishes getting ready for your date with her, but with all the spanking commotion going on, she secretly pauses to watch in surprise and embarrassment as her stepmom administers a very real, stinging hand spanking to your bottom, followed by hard and fast swats with her wooden hairbrush (until it breaks), then whips your already reddened bottom with your own belt.

Miss Katherine wants to make sure you have learned your lesson and that Shelley witnesses your punishment up close, so she has Shelley fetch the bath brush, then invites her into the room to get a better look and hold you still as Miss Katherine proceeds to deliver stinging blows to your bare behind with the bathbrush. Finally, to make sure she has fully got her point across, she also has Shelley fetch the family strap as Miss Katherine delivers the final onslought of swats, whipping across your very sore bottom. You have no other choice but to endure this powerful woman's beating, leaving you not only a contrite young man, but a perfect gentleman!

If you're a fan of "witnessed" spankings, this one you don't wanna miss! Shot POV, with multiple implements (hand, wooden hairbrush, belt, bath brush, strap) multiple positions and multiple camera angles. No name mentioned or face shown, so you TOTALLY feel you are actually there and can fully immerse yourself as if you're the one getting spanked.

A must have for your collection. Enjoy! xo

Katherine Worthington, Shelley

File Name : Pants Down - Bottoms Up - HD 1080.mp4
File Size : 1145.6 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:16:03

Pants Down - Bottoms Up - HD 1080.mp4 - 1.1 GB

Husband gets spanked for unsatisfactory performance in the bedroom

My husband and I had a little fun in the bedroom last night but I didn’t realize until the next morning as I was straightening up the sheets that he had hastily left a nasty/cummy “wet spot” that I unknowingly in! He knows how incredibly annoying this is to me. He never perfected his oral skills to my satisfaction, either. This is also very frustrating, as knows how much I like to be pleased in this manner. I also found all the leftover used Kleenex he was trying to hide from his mess earlier.

When I married him, I expected him to have good husband skills both in AND out of the bedroom. That means, he takes care of MY needs first, then cleans up the mess after we’re done. He clearly missed the mark with his husbandly duties and had been warned before. I need him to act like a man, not a boy who can’t control himself! If he truly wants to make our marriage work, he knows getting in the habit of properly showing me how much he wants to please me should be his priority. He knows everything I do is out of love and that I am very maternal, so I called him into the bedroom for a good scolding. He thought perhaps a scolding was going to be all, but boy was he wrong when I told him to grab his belt, my hairbrush and the other spanking implements. He was in for quite an impactful lesson!

I pulled down his pants and underwear, then took him across my lap for a good OTK hand spanking. Even though he was starting to fidget and squirm, he knew he was going to have to man up and take it. This was just the beginning! After I warmed his buns to my satisfaction, I then grabbed the hairbrush and continued swatting his bottom with fast, rapid fire swats until he was begging me to give him another chance.

From there, I had him get on his knees and pulled my panties to one side to give him the opportunity to orally redeem himself with my womanhood. I attempted to coach him as he practiced his husbandly skills, but he still wasn’t performing to my satisfaction. He knew what that meant.. being lazy in the bedroom earns him another spanking. His whimpering did not deter me from burning his butt! One way or the other, it was important I helped him to learn. I bring him back across my lap and spank him even harder with my OTK tawse. He begs me again for another chance, so back on his knees he goes, trying once again to prove his oral skills to me...unsuccessfully.

I bend him across the bed, bottom out, then give him a good belt whipping, raining down stinging strokes he'll never forget to further get his attention. By this time he is sheepishly crying and begging even more for one more chance so I let him try one last time, reminding him that practice makes perfect. The poor dear STILL isn’t getting it right, so undeterred, I stand him up and in a standing position, make him bend over my leg as I paddle him standing up, but I am still not finished. To help stifle his cries, I drive my message home by face sitting him in a diapering position on the bed and paddle his bottom some more until he is fully worn out and I know he better understands the importance of being more attentive to his husbandly duties! Maybe after he changes the sheets I'll let him try again! ;)

Shot POV style where you are pulled into our world & can easily envision yourself in his place. Includes great elements of: OTK hand spanking, hairbrush, OTK tawse, belt and paddle.

A must have for your collection!

Enjoy! xo

Katherine Worthington

Husband gets spanked for his lack of performance in the bedroom - HD 1080.mp4 - 546.5 MB

Lawn care helper's ass is grass!

Good lawn care help is hard to find nowadays.. especially when the workers know I have a very high bar and expect it to be met with no exceptions. I took a chance with hiring you, a close family friend. Your habits are a bit questionable, but you had fully reassured me that you would still do a great job and to please give you a chance. I hired you on the condition that you are fully aware you would be soundly spanked if things aren’t done to my satisfaction.

I go outside to check on you. You are supposed to be busy mowing my yard, but instead, I find you’ve had too much to drink and “napping” on my lawn chair! Clearly, I am not impressed with your behavior and decide a demonstration is in order. I proceed to thoroughly scold you. You think that is all, but oh no.. you're about to endure a very embarrassing and impactful lesson! I have you cut me a switch from off a bush in the backyard. Afterwards, as the other neighbors work diligently in their own yards, you're made to strip off your shorts and underwear outside with your bare bottom on display. You sheepishly hand them to me. You know what’s coming… we're going to be swiftly getting to the “seat” to the matter! One way or the other, you’re about to be taught a lesson you won’t soon forget!

Without any warm up, I switch your bottom good until the switch starts to splinter and break. From there, I pull off my flip flop, and apply hard fast swats to your bottom as you squirm over my lap. You start to put your hand back to shield your bottom, but I hold it firm and leg lock you between my powerful legs. From there, I remove the belt from your shorts and further redden your already sore backside as I whip you with your own belt as you kick and beg for forgiveness. To drive my point home, I apply fast, rapid fire swats with my nasty wooden spoon until I feel like I have fully got your attention across your well punished behind to help you learn so you can properly finish the job. Watch to find out if you receive even more belt whippings to keep you further "motivated:! ;)

As always, no specific names mentioned. Includes great domestic discipline elements of: spanking with a switch, OTK spanking, flip flop, belt, wooden spoon, implied threat of exposure.

A must have for your collection!

Enjoy! xo

Katherine Worthington

Lawn Care Helpers Ass is Grass HD 1080p.mp4 - 875.8 MB

Sexy social worker Miss Katherine enforces your disciplinary needs HD 1080

Sexy social worker and enforcer Miss Katherine is a no nonsense woman from the Department of disciplinary services who thrives in her line of work and has zero tolerance for weakness. She is repulsed by shamelessly immature beta male slackers who just can't seem to stay out of trouble . With the correctional facilities full, the state has adopted very effective, yet alternative measures through home based corporal punishment. She has been sent to you for a series of court ordered correctional spankings. It is a requirement the enforcers have unobstructed access to the inside of the subject's home on "correction" days and pictorial proof of successful visit must be obtained to satisfy the judge. One way or the other, Miss Katherine is going to ensure the court ordered disciplinary management is carried through to completion, no matter how much resistance it takes in the process.

The statuesque Miss Katherine arrives to your door, implement bag in hand; including a paddle, multiple straps and a cane. She begins by reminding you at the door she has some business to attend to with you. Since you can't seem to behave, she's going to make you behave. You are hoping you can avoid your impending fate by stalling and hiding out in your bathroom, which tests her patience and not a wise idea.

Once she gets her hands on you, she immediately performs a tighty-whitey inspection. Protest is futile as you end up with a massive wedgie while she lectures you about your failings as a man. This is just the beginning.. she informs you of the punishment you have coming, then has you hand over your tighty whiteys to her. Then, as you are completely naked and at her mercy, she instructs you to move a straight back chair into position for your punishment and beckons you to her side.

You embarrassingly try to hide your privates, but she slaps your hands away and yanks you across her lap to get straight to business.

Miss Katherine immediately applies sharp hand spanks to your naughty bare bottom, lecturing you all the while on your responsibilities as a grown adult. Your whimpering does not deter her from her intention of burning your butt! After having warmed your buns to her satisfaction, Miss Katherine reaches for her wooden paddle, and vigorously stings your cheeks to a nice, rosy red.

Miss Katherine wants to make sure she fully has your attention and has you stand, then bend over the side of the tub. She rains down methodical, yet nasty, stinging strokes you'll never forget with her trifecta of straps. A rubber strap, followed by her canadian prison strap and her leather strap. You sheepishly continue to promise her you'll be good. Undeterred, she replies “You'll be good when I’m through with you!”. She drives her message home by caning you over and over across your already tender backside until your behavior is improved and you are left humbled and contrite with a very sore, blistered bottom.

Miss Katherine snaps a few pics of your reddened bottom to satisfy the court requirements, then puts you into a crinkly, humiliating pullup diaper and back to the corner to think about what you've done.

A very successful first disciplinary enforcement meeting indeed!

Katherine Worthington

Sexy social worker Miss Katherine enforces your disciplinary needs HD 1080.mp4 - 1.1 GB

Sent to the punishment room - a glimpse from a spanking session with Miss Katherine

This is a glimpse from a spanking session with Miss Katherine in Dallas.

Her spanko bottom was sent in from out of town. He knew exactly why he was there. To receive a stern, yet real, disciplinary spanking via her caring, yet very capable hands. No scolding, no “reason” to be spanked, no counting, no warm up or small talk. Just pure action and be spanked cold with a wooden naughty stick, strap and a wooden paddle.

Homemade cell phone video footage organically captures a portion of this live session.

Maybe you will be in his place next time? ;)

Katherine Worthington

File Name : Sent to the punishment room - a glimpse of a live spanking session - HD 1080.mp4
File Size : 453.92 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:06:25

Sent to the punishment room - a glimpse of a live spanking session - HD 1080.mp4 - 453.9 MB
