Good TGP'S ? - Participate in gathering knowladge about TGP's


New Member
Does anyone know of any good TGP's. I can honoustly speak very highly of The Hun.
From their service i get 90 000 plus page hits a day. I don't know, I am a newby webmaster,
but to me that is enormous exposure. Anyone interrested, here is the link to their submission page :
Submit at The Hun.

I will be enourmously greatfull if anyone can give info on good TGP's.
I have literally searched my ass of and found only a few TGP's to submit my pages to,
and they are all utterly useless. Except for The Hun where everything is very well organised.
So far I would go as far as to say : "The Hun is the undisputed king of TGP.".

Anyone who wants to know more about my experience whith the TGP story is welcome to contact me.
Most of the TGP sites that generate good traffic charge for what is typically referred to as being either a "submit account" or a "partner account". If you have good content, a lot of times the price to submit is well worth it. Just depends on the TGP site. However, in terms of submitting content to TGP sites that do not charge, you could also try submitting to I know they do not charge any sort of submission fee.
I have tried persian kitty. believe me pk do not even come close to the hun.

Oh Believe me, I already know that bro. Hell, I have been submitting to Persian Kitty for over 10 years now. But yeah, it's not a bad site to submit too, but you will not receive as much traffic as you would from The Hun.
I'm fairly new to TGP's.

Do you guys just have a gallery page on your website and you submit some galleries to these TGP's or what?
I don't have galleries on my website so do i need to start that first before thinking about TGP's?
I'm fairly new to TGP's.

Do you guys just have a gallery page on your website and you submit some galleries to these TGP's or what?
I don't have galleries on my website so do i need to start that first before thinking about TGP's?

Hi JZB. I see you are into cam. You would have to put one banner for the cam site on each gallery page. For each gallery you finished building, you can submit that gallery to a TGP. Be aware that the TGP's are full of shit with rules you have to adhere to. I have read now on the net several times "TGP is dead" and i must say I'm starting to think so as well. But none the less i believe you could get some sales from submitting to The Hun. I have now seen that i make the same money with 1000 visiters that i self generate from Twitter, Tumblr and facebook, than i made from lets say 10000 visiters comming from TGP submission. I would suggest to try the hun, also make autoblogs, auto tube sites. On the auto sites you create you are subject to your own rules of how you want to run your adds. Here is a link to a blog where a more experienced webmaster explain some how to's of automation. . I found almost the same autoblogging tutorial somewhere else on black hat forums. I went through all the growing pains of getting it to work for me. And it definitely works. you wont have 10 trillion dollars overnite but slowly your earnings will grow.

hope this helps