Masturbation is funny


Do you know how versatile your hands are? As long as you understand the flexible use, you will find that the hands can bring fun and other parts of the body; When you use your hand to stimulate a man, suggest you use a trick called " a surname to Brian ", turn your fingers into u - shaped, thumb - hold the bottom of his penis sheath, palm toward the inside, and the tiger at yourself.

http://, slowly rub up to his penis, waiting for your palm to touch his head, try to use palm meat to delay his glans, once again homeopathy to the other side, to start up rubbing the action, follow the following steps to do, and always exchange hands.

There is also a technique called Basketweave. Daub some water-soluble lubricants on your hand, sit in front of him, fold your fingers, and whole trap his penis, pointing his thumb toward you, beginning to rub up and down. When you rub the penis up and down, remember to change the angle from time to time, and add some more concussion, you may as well pay attention to his expression, to correct your movements, and then you will see his unprecedented satisfaction.

When you play with his penis, let him touch your vagina with his hands, or you can let him use vibrating egg to stimulate your vagina, which is a very exciting attempt to explore each other's private and make you experience better orgasm.