Nightmare Master
New Member

When Adam heard human screams, he rushed to where they were coming from. It was a man screaming. No, he wasn’t screaming in pain or despair. He was screaming at someone…and very loudly. Stopping nearby, Adam watched in surprise at the unusual scene – the girl in white was standing with her back to him, and just a little to the side was some man. He was the one screaming. Like crazy he was screaming at the girl and he had a gun in his hand:
– I can’t take it anymore! Do you hear me? Go away!

– Stop, buddy. Don’t do this!
– Who the hell are you? You… you don’t understand. Get outta here! This ain’t none of your damn business.
– It is, man. I’m not gonna let you kill a defenseless girl.
– Oh, yeah… she’s not what she seems. Just go away. Get off!
He pointed the gun sharply at the girl sitting on the ground again and… a shot rang out. Adam quickly ran up to the man he had just shot. He pushed the gun away with his foot and covered the wound in his chest with his hands, but the blood could not be stopped. It was pouring out in streams. The wounded man was dying. He grabbed Adam’s hand and whispered, “She’s evil. Just kill her,” and then he was gone.