A Taboo Fantasy ManyVids Collections

a taboo fantasy the sister experience

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Blowjob, Cumshots, Fucking, Pussy Eating, Taboo

854,8 MB-a taboo fantasy the sister experience

A DISTURBING NEW WEBSITE IS PROMOTING SOMETHING CALLED "THE SISTER EXPERIENCE". CHUCK IS COMPELLED TO FIND OUT IF THE CLAIMS ARE REAL!! HE SHOWS THE SISTER EXPERIENCE SITE TO HIS BABY SISTER BLAIR. SHE AGREES TO GIVE IT A TRY..... AND THE FIREWORKS THAT FOLLOW PROVE ONCE AND FOR ALL... THE SISTER EXPERIENCE IS REAL!!!!! Chuck has stumbled onto a very interesting new website online. This bizarre & twisted site promotes something it calls.....are you ready for this?...... "The Sister Experience"!!! According to the site......the biological bond that Siblings share is a pathway to the most sensual, erotic sexual intercourse possible!!! The site claims that there is an inherent instinct between Brothers and Sisters that leads to the best sex in the World!! Chuck is very intrigued by the site.....and his mind begins to race!!! He starts to think about his own Sister.......his younger Sibling, Blair.....and starts to fantasize about what it might be like to have sex with her.....and whether or not the site is correct. Just as his mind wonders down that Taboo Road....Blair arrives home and joins him on the sofa. Blair knows immediately something is wrong, because Chuck offers to let her watch whatever she wants on TV.....and compliments her on her wardrobe. Both things are very out of character for him...so Blair asks him what's going on. Chuck confides to her that he has visited a controversial website, boasting about "The Sister Experience"...and he shows Blair the site. Blair is horrified initially at what she sees...."OMG!!! That's a Brother doing that to his own Sister????!!!"....but as she reads further.....she starts to lean forward.....gaining interest.....and Blair says "hmm....actually this is REALLY HOT!!!" The two exchange some awkward back and forth glances....and then they ask each other "are you thinking what I'm thinking......". Blair claims that she will "try anything once...." so the Brother Sister team decide to fuck each other to see if the Sister Experience is real! They begin to kiss passionately, and Blair quickly begins to warm to the situation....claiming the nobody has ever kissed her like this before. Blair tears off her pants, and when her Brother Chuck starts licking her cunt...Blair's eyes roll back in her head as she moans "you know EXACTLY what to do....it's uncanny!!....." After she has, what she claims to be the best orgasm she has ever had....Blair tells Chuck to take his pants off so she can suck his cock. Again...after a few moments of having his cock sucked by his Baby Sister....Chuck proclaims that she is the best he ever had...that she has an innate ability to do just what he wants!!! The two fuck each other's brains out....as Blair screams out at one point...."Pile Drive Me Chuck!!!!". Chuck absolutely soaks his little Sister with a massive cumblast...and Blair says "NOBODY has ever cum on me like that!!!". Turns out...."The Sister Experience" is VERY real

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a taboo fantasy the miller twins

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Blowjob, Cum In Mouth, Fucking, Pussy Eating, Taboo

865,5 MB-a taboo fantasy the miller twins

IDENTICAL TWINS DAN & DANIELLE END UP SUCKING AND FUCKING EACH OTHER!!! FAMILY GAME NIGHT SPIRALS HORRIBLY OUT OF CONTROL!!!! The Miller household is about to change forever!!! It's Family Game Night, and Mom and Dad call in Twins Dan & Danielle to try a new Game Mom found called "Taboo". This Game has a way of.....shall we say.....bringing Families closer together. The Twins are skeptical of the new Game....but with encouragement from Mom and Dad...they agree to play. The first couple rounds seem harmless enough....Dad give your Daughter a hug......Mom give your Son a hug......Sister give your Brother a Kiss. Seems like a great Game to bring the whole Family closer together. It's not until the 4th round of the Game that things get....well....."weird". When young Dad pulls a card that says he must "Lick his Sister's Pussy"....the entire Family gets a little suspicious. Dad re-reads the card.....to make sure Dan was reading it correctly....and sure enough...that's what it said. Mom & Dad tell the Twins that they should ALWAYS finish a Game once they start...so they tell Danielle to take her pants off and spread her legs...and let her Twin Brother Dan give her a licking. With Mom and Dad holding Danielle's legs open for her Brother....Dan licks his Sister so well, that she actually cums in her Brother's face!!! Danielle puts her pants back on, and the Game continues. Next round....Danielle is ordered to suck her Brother's cock!!! Dan takes off his pants and Twin Sister Danielle begins to suck him off. Mom and Dad are starting to get agitated at this point...and discuss writing an angry letter of complaint to the Manufacturers of the Game.....the Margo Sullivan Company....and as they are talking....Dan cums in his Sister's mouth!! The Twins get re-focused...Dan puts his pants back on...and Danielle wipes her Brother's semen from her chin....but the card drawn next really angers the Parents!!! The next card dictates that "The Brother shall Fuck his Sister"!!! Mom and Dad are furious with the Game & the Manufacturer at this point....but tell the Twins to go ahead and finish the Game. Dan Pounds away at his twin Sister....and when Mom yells at him "Don't cum inside your Sister"...Dan pulls out and soaks his Sister's back....and the Family Room Sofa!!! Game Over!!! Dad promises to complain to the Margo Sullivan Company for making such an inappropriate Game

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a taboo fantasy the last fuck

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Taboo, Blowjob, Pussy Eating, Fucking, Cumshots

655,4 MB-a taboo fantasy the last fuck

VERONICA IS GOING TO JOIN THE JERKY GIRLS!! WHICH MEANS SHE HAS TO TAKE A VOW OF CHASTITY... SO SHE INDULGES IN ONE LAST FUCK!! THE ONLY ONE AVAILABLE TO FUCK HER....IS HER DADDY!!! Veronica has made a very big decision. She has decided to join the Jerky Girls!!! It's a big commitment.....and she is due to be sworn in at 7:00 tonight. As a member of the jerky Girls....she must take a vow of chastity. Jerky Girls are not allowed to have cocks inside them....they are only allowed to Jerk them!!! With the 7:00 swearing-in ceremony fast approaching....Veronica decides she wants one Last Fuck....and with no other option available in time....she asks her Daddy to please give her one Last Fuck!!! Dad is sympathetic to her situation....and agrees to Fuck Veronica. Dad even Fucks her hard and nasty....since it will be her last ever

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a taboo fantasy the game of taboo

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Taboo, Kissing, Blowjob, Pussy Eating, Fucking

851,4 MB-a taboo fantasy the game of taboo

THIS BROTHER AND SISTER PLAY THE GAME OF TABOO!!!!! TO THEIR SHOCK AND HORROR....IT TURNS OUT TO BE A VERY TWISTED GAME!!!! Brianna and her Brother Jared find a Board Game hidden in their Parent's closet....and decide to play it. They begin to play the Game...but soon realize that this game is....FUCKED UP!!!! Brianna rolls the dice first...draws a play card....and is told that she must kiss her Brother passionately for 2 minutes!!! They are both shocked and surprised by the "odd" request...but figure they will give the Game a chance....so they set the timer....and start to french kiss each other for the required time. When the timer runs out....another card is drawn....and this one is even MORE bizarre!! According to this card....Jared must Lick his Sister's Pussy for a full two minutes! They set the timer...Brianna hikes up her skirt...and Jared goes to work, licking his Sister's tight, young Pussy. When the timer runs out....the trend continues....and Brianna is directed to Suck her Brother's cock for the full two minutes. What comes next is the "Ultimate Taboo"....as the two Siblings are instructed to Fuck each other!! Brianna pulls off her dress....and, not wanting to disobey the rules of the Game....the Brother and Sister begin to Fuck each other!!! Jared Pounds away at his little Sister until he cums inside her!! The two wonder out loud if Mom and Dad play this Game too

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a taboo fantasy the forbidden fruit

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Taboo, Pussy Eating, Blowjob, Fucking, Petite

968,1 MB-a taboo fantasy the forbidden fruit

KYLIE'S DAD PREPARES A MAGICAL POISON APPLE TO GIVE TO THE HOT LADY NEXT DOOR... THE APPLE HAS A MAGIC SPELL IN IT THAT CAUSES EXTREME LUST!!! KYLIE EATS THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT BY ACCIDENT.... AND ENDS UP FUCKING HER DAD'S BRAINS OUT!!! Kylie's Dad has a diabolical plan to score with the hot new lady that moved in across the street. His Wife is out of town...and he has sent a way for a "Magical Poison Apple".....that is said to have mythical and unexplainable qualities. According to Legend....whoever eats the Magical Poison Apple becomes overwhelmed by lust and has to have sex right away. He polishes the special apple in anticipation of presenting it to the hot piece of ass across the street. Dad puts in down on the table, and goes to check on Supper. Kylie arrives home, and sees the pretty apple sitting there....and decides to eat it!!!!! Kylie feels funny right away...and begins to finger herself on the sofa. As she is playing with herself...Dad walks in and sees the Apple core.....and freaks out!! Dad yells at Kylie for eating his "special" Apple....but before he can make his point....Kylie pulls his pants off and starts sucking his cock!!! Apparently the Apple is potent!!! Kylie is possessed by the Forbidden Fruit...and her pussy is on fire!! Kylie gets her Dad to lick her cunt, and then she climbs on his cock and rides it like a cat in heat!! Dad fucks his mesmerized young Daughter until he unloads and cums all over her. dad will have to get another Apple for the lady across the street....and Kylie will have to learn to watch what she eats

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a taboo fantasy the fertility idol

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Taboo, Blowjob, Solo Female, Fucking, Creampie

700,4 MB-a taboo fantasy the fertility idol

WHEN AN ANCIENT AFRICAN FERTILITY IDOL IS DELIVERED TO HER HOUSE.... COURTNEY UNWITTINGLY FALLS UNDER IT'S POWER!!! AFTER MAKING UP IN A COLD SWEAT AND MASTURBATING HERSELF FURIOUSLY... COURTNEY ATTACKS AND FUCKS HER BROTHER IN A FIT OF UNCONTROLLABLE SEXUAL DESIRE!! When Courtney's Mom has a special package delivered to the house, from her Sister....Courtney's Aunt Maria.....Courtney is the unintended victim!!! As fate has it....Courtney's Mom is not home when the package arrives, so Courtney signs for it. Her curiosity gets the best of her.....so Courtney proceeds to open the package on her own. The contents of the box include a "statue"....which turns out to be an ancient African Fertility Idol that Aunt Maria found on her travels. Also included in the box is a note from Aunt Maria to Courtney's Mom....saying that the Idol should NOT be around any females who are able to conceive......as it's power is legendary....and the presence of the Idol will cause females to go into Heat immediately. Courtney does not take the threat seriously.....after all....it's just a statue, right? That night when she goes to bed, Courtney makes the mistake of bringing the Idol into her bedroom. Sure enough.....in the middle of the night....Courtney wakes up....covered in sweat.....as horny as can be....and masturbates herself furiously. After she makes herself cum....Courtney is still not satisfied....this Idol is POWERFULL!! Courtney, in a quest to satisfy her inexplicable sexual desire....goes down the hall to the bedroom of her Brother Russ. Courtney NEEDS to be Fucked....badly.....she doesn't know or understand why....but she NEEDS it badly.....so she quietly takes out her Brother's cock, and begins to suck it. When her Brother has produced a nocturnal erection for her....Courtney climbs on her Brother's hard cock and rides him!!! Courtney's out of control sexual madness makes her ride her Brother's cock until he cums inside her. A frightened, worried Courtney climbs off her Brother's cock....looks at the semen dripping from her young pussy...and then grabs the Idol to look at it. She realizes this statue has Taboo Powers....and she immediately panics....and runs outside to get rid of the Evil statue

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a taboo fantasy the family way

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Taboo, Blowjob, Pussy Eating, Fucking, Impregnation Fantasy

864,7 MB-a taboo fantasy the family way

WHEN MOM AND DAD ARE HAVING TROUBLE CONCEIVING A BABY.... THEY TURN TO THEIR DAUGHTER LAYLA TO BE A SURROGATE SINCE THEY CAN'T AFFORD THE MEDICAL FERTILIZATION PROCESS..... DAD AND LAYLA GET IT DONE THE OLD FASHIONED WAY!!! Layla's Parents are going through a tough time. They have been trying desperately to have a baby for quite some time. Layla's Dad has just been told by the Fertility Doctor that nothing they tried has worked....Mom's ovaries are the problem.....and the only solution at this point is a surrogate. Since they are on a very tight household budget....there is no way that they could afford to do this. Layla's Mom makes an "odd" suggestion to Layla's Dad.....she suggests using young, healthy Layla as a surrogate!!! Also.....since going through the process with the Doctors would still be too expensive....Mom suggests that Dad and Layla conceive the "Old Fashioned Way"....since there would be no cost involved. When Layla arrives home...Dad tells her about the idea. Layla, of course, is hesitant at first....thinking that having sex with her Dad...and being impregnated by her Dad would be "weird"....but she understands that there are no other options...and she also wants to have a baby Brother or Sister....so she agrees. Dad and Layla set out to conceive a baby. Layla sucks on her Daddy's cock to make it nice and hard...then Daddy licks her young pussy, to prepare her for penetration....then Dad fucks Layla very hard....filling her young snatch with sperm. Layla lies on her back with her legs in the air after the ejaculation....to make sure it all stays in

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a taboo fantasy the family way

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Taboo, Blowjob, Pussy Eating, Fucking, Impregnation Fantasy

864,7 MB-a taboo fantasy the family way

WHEN MOM AND DAD ARE HAVING TROUBLE CONCEIVING A BABY.... THEY TURN TO THEIR DAUGHTER LAYLA TO BE A SURROGATE SINCE THEY CAN'T AFFORD THE MEDICAL FERTILIZATION PROCESS..... DAD AND LAYLA GET IT DONE THE OLD FASHIONED WAY!!! Layla's Parents are going through a tough time. They have been trying desperately to have a baby for quite some time. Layla's Dad has just been told by the Fertility Doctor that nothing they tried has worked....Mom's ovaries are the problem.....and the only solution at this point is a surrogate. Since they are on a very tight household budget....there is no way that they could afford to do this. Layla's Mom makes an "odd" suggestion to Layla's Dad.....she suggests using young, healthy Layla as a surrogate!!! Also.....since going through the process with the Doctors would still be too expensive....Mom suggests that Dad and Layla conceive the "Old Fashioned Way"....since there would be no cost involved. When Layla arrives home...Dad tells her about the idea. Layla, of course, is hesitant at first....thinking that having sex with her Dad...and being impregnated by her Dad would be "weird"....but she understands that there are no other options...and she also wants to have a baby Brother or Sister....so she agrees. Dad and Layla set out to conceive a baby. Layla sucks on her Daddy's cock to make it nice and hard...then Daddy licks her young pussy, to prepare her for penetration....then Dad fucks Layla very hard....filling her young snatch with sperm. Layla lies on her back with her legs in the air after the ejaculation....to make sure it all stays in

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a taboo fantasy the extra punishment

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Blowjob, Fucking, Pussy Eating, Spanking, Taboo

705 MB-a taboo fantasy the extra punishment

Tellula's chore was to have the Family Room cleaned up before her Dad got home from work. She, however, got distracted playing video games after school.....and when Dad gets home....the room is a mess!!! This is NOT the first time Tellulah has messed up....so Dad is furious with her. Dad tells her that she needs to be Punished....and immediately puts Tellulah over his knee and gives her bum a hard spanking. After the spanking is done....Dad tells Tellulah that she needs to have....the...."Extra Punishment"!!! Tellulah starts to shake...."No Daddy PLEASE!!!....not the Extra Punishment!!!!......anything but the Extra Punishment!!!!....PLEASE NO DADDY!!!!". Daddy is furious, however...and he continues with the Extra Punishment. Dad pulls up Tellulah's skirt and begins to lick her young pussy while she screams and cries. Next, Daddy shoves his cock into Tellulah's mouth and makes her suck it. Daddy continues the dreaded Extra Punishment by Fucking Tellulah REALLY hard in all kinds of positions, while she screams and begs him to stop...."You're hurting me Daddy.....please stop.....". When she has been painfully fucked hard in several positions, Daddy tells Tellulah to get down on the floor on her knees, and get ready for the "Final Punishment". Daddy proceeds to cum all over Tellulah's face while she cries....and promises she will never do it again

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a taboo fantasy the eldest daughter

A Taboo Fantasy-ManyVids-Taboo, BBW, Blowjob, Pussy Eating, Fucking

661,5 MB-a taboo fantasy the eldest daughter

ERIN'S MOM IS GOING TO BE AWAY FOR A FEW MONTHS... IN SOME CULTURES IT IS CUSTOMARY FOR THE ELDEST DAUGHTER TO ASSUME THE MOM'S "PHYSICAL RESPONSIBILITIES" DAD CONVINCES ERIN TO STRIP NAKED....AND BECOME MOM!!! Erin's Mom is away for a few months at a job posting....and on the first night....Erin's dad comes into her bedroom to have a talk with her. Dad explains that, with Mom gone for a while....Erin will have to take on some of the responsibilities that Mom used to have. Things like the grocery shopping.....the cooking.....the cleaning etc Erin isn't exactly "thrilled" to hear that her plate just got a lot fuller....but when Dad follows up by saying that he will also bump up her allowance....Erin seems a little happier. Before Dad leaves...he tells her that he has one more subject he needs to address. Dad explains that in some cultures....it is common for The Eldest Daughter to assume the "physical responsibilities" of the female parent, in the event of the parent being absent for an extended amount of time. Erin questions what "cultures" Dad is referring to. Dad explains that this is quite common in Arkansas....which leads Erin to believe that it must be ok. Erin agrees to "pitch in" and help her Dad. Erin takes her clothes off and lies on her back to allow her Dad access to lick her cunt. She immediately notices that her Dad licks a LOT better than the boys her age. Erin enjoys the licking so much that she has a loud, powerful orgasm....during which she screams out "God Bless Arkansas!!!!!!". Erin proceeds to sucks her Daddy's cock, and then the Pounding begins....and boy oh boy....is it EVER a Pounding!!! Erin's Dad humps her really hard, before cumming all over her. Erin says that she is looking forward to being The Eldest daughter for the next few months

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