Hottest Summer is a new adult game that follows the story of Sam, a senior high school student living in an Asian country with hisbeautiful mother Riona and sister Juno. Sam is an average student who is often the target of bullying from Jim and Jun, two brothers at school who are vying for the affections of Sam's childhood friend Angela and his sister Juno. Before summer break, unexpected events begin to unfold that lead Sam, Angela, and Juno down a path of lust and intrigue. The story progresses based on the choices Sam makes along the way, and the consequences of those choices will shape the outcome of the game.
Step into the dazzling world of Priscila, a rising teenmodel on the brink of superstardom. But behind the glamorous facade of photo shoots and runway shows, lies a dark secret: A powerful director offers her the role of a lifetime, but at what cost?
Release Date: 18 December 2024
Genre: 3DCG, Animated, BigTits, VaginalSex, Oral, Group Sex, Milf, Lesbian, Masturbation, Voyeur
Version: Episode 4
Censorship: No
Language: English
OS: Windows
You and your wife are in dire financial straits and are visited by an old school friend. You come up with a brilliant idea on how you can make money by filming home videos. How far will you go, will you become a cuckold, will you turn your wife into a hotwife? Who knows
Release Date: 22 December 2024
Genre: 3DCG, Visual Novel, BigTits, BigAss, Milf, Seduction, Voyeur
Version: 2.5
Censored: No
Language: English
OS: Windows
The first installment of our new game "It Was Raining That Night" is here. We are back after almost 8 months I believe. Veronica and I have worked very hard for the past 3 months to make this whole new game. Specially Veronica. She has made every single character and render. This game is very linear. The number of choices will be very limited. Treat it as a VN. Veronica has a story to tell and this is it.
Release Date: 22 December 2024
Genre: BeautifulAss, BigTits, Erotic Adventure, Hardcore sex, Male Protagonist, Milf, SexyGirls, Visual novel, Voyeur
Version: 0.8
Censored: No
Language: English
OS: Windows
Dive into a world of biotech mystery! As a researcher, you uncover a potential flaw with the female libido enhancement drug within your biotech company. Along the way you encounter several potential femalelove interests including: a passionate young scientist, a mysterious whistleblower, and a charismatic CEO. Your decisions will shape not only your romantic future but also the fate of libido-enhancing research and ethical standards.
Release Date: 24 December 2024
Genre: 3DCG, Animated, Male Protagonist, BigTits, VaginalSex, Milf, OralSex
Version: 7.0 Chapters 1-7
Censored: No
Language: English
OS: Windows
Mother Lovers Society is about Michelle moving to the city of New Amsterdam with her daughter in order to start a new life together. Sexy times of course ensue.
Release Date: 24 December 2024
Genre: BeautifulAss, Erotic Adventure, Female Protagonist, Hardcore sex, Visual novel, Voyeur
Version: Chapter 5.3
Censored: No
Language: English
OS: Windows
In this game you are a youngman in a new city full of expectations and insecurities. However, things take an intriguing turn when you are mistakenly placed as a guest in a dorm where only women are allowed. In this place you will meet beautifulgirls with outstanding personalities who will need your help to better explore their sexualities and fetishes. Now it's up to you to find ways and breath to dive into the sordid desires that some pretty faces can hide?
Release Date: 27 December 2024
Genre: Animated, 3DCG, Bigass, Bigtits, Handjob, Milf, Oralsex, Vaginalsex, Domination
Version: 0.33b
Censored: No
Language: English
OS: Windows
Just a guy down on his luck with nothing exciting going on in his life. Until the day he found out a secret about his that changed him forever. With a newfound power and purpose, it's up to you to steer the MC. The path ahead is not all sunshine and candy but also full of danger and turbulence. Sovereign is an adult sandbox game where you can develop your relationship with many different types of ladies, as well as the freedom to delve into more hardcore themes such as corruption/BDSM. The game will feature many things for you to do, either with the ladies or to improve your living conditions. With each update, there will be new content like characters, events, and other things to do.
Release Date: 29 December 2024
Genre: 3DCG, Simulator, Vaginalsex, Creampie, Milf, Harem, Domination, Bigass, Bigtits
Version: 13.0
Censored: No
Language: English
OS: Windows
Howdy, pardner! Might I say, you're looking fit as a fiddle! And this is not surprising, because you are one of the survivors in a comfortable vault! But it's time to get to the surface to explore the world. Well, or try to do it.
The adventures of Will and Cindy. The duo find themselves plunged into a world they could have only dreamt of. Juggle a life of study, debauchery and a smidge of saving the world. Urged on by the fact that the only person who wants Will in another womans bed more than he, is his devious girlfriend Cindy.