bestdeaths -- Two Frat Brothers Repeatedly Chloroformed, Stripped, Then Slowly Doubled Strangled
A double murder, two Frat brothers are chloroformed together by a rival frat house who wish to take out the competition. The two victims kick and lash out in sync as their killers gas them until they both fade away. They pass out, one of them is dragged to the bed and thrown to the sheets. He is stripped and throttled by a cord as he insults his attackers. The two attackers check on each other and alternate their assaults. Each one strangling the different victims multiple times. The young victims cough and splutter, choking and slowly dying as each cycle of strangulation drains their life away. Eventually, they both give in, their bodies too weak to carry on. They both die, one of them laying sprawled half naked across the bed and the other hanging sloppily in his chair.
Size 149 MB
Duration 13:08
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