Hard spanking beautiful sexy ass. Hot Excellent videos

Belle Calder, Dodgy Dave, Michael Wackford - Spanked after sunday school

Belle has been caught defacing the Bible by the Sunday School teacher, Mrs James, who is so shocked that both her father and Reverend Wackford are called to address this most awful situation of blasphemous grafitti and defilement. It is too shocking to mention but suffice to say that Belle is severely reprimanded and scolded before her father spanks her over his lap in front of a watching Mrs James and the good Reverend. She is embarrassed and as her panties are pulled down and her bare bottom spanked harder! Reverend Wackford is waiting with his Strap of Redemption and Belle is given 12 hard strokes to remind her that this disgusting behavior will never be repeated again! This is a great film for lovers of Catholic Discipline themed spankings.

File Name : spanked_after_sundayschool.mp4
File Size : 799.87 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:11:35

Lily Swan, John Osborne - Spanked, strapped & caned into shape

Personal Fitness and Lifestyle Coach, Lily Swan, has been feeling sorry for herself by eating junk food instead of her usual strict dietary regimen that she teaches others. John catches her putting away more candy when she told him she was working out. He knows how to bring her to her senses. It worked before and it'll work again, a good old fashioned spanking. To ensure she learns her lesson this time, he tells her this discipline session will be much more humiliating and painful! Lily is spanked over her tight yoga pants as she squirms and wriggles over his lap before they are pulled down for a far harder and more embarrassing bare bottom hand spanking. He makes her hold the chocolate, that she was eating previously, in her mouth during the punishment to add to her embarrassment. However, this is nothing to the heavy leather strapping and caning she receives next! Her tight, toned sore bottom burns with shame and the sting of his dragon cane on her buttocks is made more unbearable when she is caned severely in the Plank position. See Lily Swan in another hot video punishment from our "Exercise and Discipline" series.

File Name : spanked_strapped_and_caned_into_shape.mp4
File Size : 970.15 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:13:34
