Harmless question


New Member
Well hello guys!

Now that I registered successfully and got confirmation by mail I tried to login, and failed... :(

Why can't I login on intporn.com, while intporn.org works? :cool:

Please inform me, and thank you.

Intporn.com and intporn,org is 2 different sites,
so you have to make a new login for intporn.com
We are working on a new seamless user registration, that will work on both sites
but for now .org and .com is 2 different sites.

If you have some more question ask or send me a pm

Have a nice day
Intporn.com and intporn,org is 2 different sites,
so you have to make a new login for intporn.com
We are working on a new seamless user registration, that will work on both sites
but for now .org and .com is 2 different sites.

If you have some more question ask or send me a pm

Have a nice day