Harper - Promiscuous woman finally ready for porn 2017-01-25
- 37 years old single with no kids
- Is a dance and fitness instructor
- She has worked as a private dancer for parties
- She is a very sexual person, masturbates herself every day
- Occasionally will booty call one of herfuck buddy boytoys
- She is somewhat of a wild woman and a risk taker
- Will fuck a random stranger she meets while walking down a street
- Is very new to analshe was willing to indulge for the video
- Oral fixation, gets wet and excited when she is sucking cock
- Has a nice bubble butt was awesome to see in doggy style
- Defiantly is not a shy person and I enjoyed working with her
Anaïs - Un trio pour Anaïs! / 26. 1.2017
Retour de la pulpeuse Anaïs, assistante dentaire à Orléans: après son premier passage réussi devant nos caméras, la blonde à la poitrine généreuse passe à l'étape supérieure en se faisant bousculer par deux lascars bien excités par ses superbes courbes!
Anaïs - A trio for Anaïs! / 26. 1.2017
Return of the pulpy Anaïs, dental assistant in Orléans: after herfirst successful pass before our cameras, the blonde with generous chest goes to the top step by being jostled by two lascars well excited by her superb curves!
Mahe - Mahé aime voyager! / 27. 1.2017
Mahé, infirmière libérale d'origine guadeloupéenne, aime beaucoup voyager mais aussi s'adonner aux plaisirs de la chair... La voilà donc en pleine découverte de nouvelles pratiques sexuelles extrêmes devant nos caméras!
Mahe - Mahé likes to travel! / 27. 1.2017
Mahé, a liberal nurse of Guadeloupe origin, loves traveling but also indulging in the pleasures of the flesh ... So here she is in full discovery of new extreme sexual practices in front of our cameras!