Mighty Relations


Proud Member

Year: 2004
Genre: Gonzo
Director: Sergei Loginov
Studio: Strawberry
Starring: Alena Mironova, Yelena Popova, Zulfiya Karimov, Natalia Malov, Olga Filimonova, Svetlana Shevchenko

Description:Three powerful contact group, which will shake you to the power of fusion serial orgasms. "Krovatnoprigodnye or playful lust", 40 min. (1m x 3). Refined, dynamic tender passion, pleasure, sweetness, love the magic of passion. This story is impossible to watch without Validol and valerian. Sneaks up to the depth of the soul! "Shattering Orgasm or the life of crustaceans, 20 min. (1m x 3). Welcome girls facing cancer get candy at a time. Which did not survive the first? The most powerful female orgasm in the history of our survey. "Great zaperdolivanie or predatory dogs love", 60 min. (5m x 2). Five hungry female flesh boys soar in all holes Natasha Fat Ass. Soar together, hovering turns, hover holding her in his arms. Then there is another girl and sucking all Parschikov Dicks. One of the adulterer removes all on camera (a piece of what he nasnimali at the end of the movie WFD-2). Participants discuss the orgy going on, trying to keep the wave of debauchery were sealed by the operator. There are homosexual moments (for short), is a lesbian, in the end Fat Ass pierced penises.