
The preparation stage is over and I’m happy to present you my new project – Yorna: Monster Girl’s Secret. It uses the same RPG Maker engine but is quite different from League of Corruption.

A young mage from a noble family arrives at a distant castle to find it ruined and her sister missing. Will she able to recover lost monster girls and restore the peace with their power? What price will she have to pay?

Ada, the female protagonist, is a prodigal mage with the ability to use monster girl's power as her own. Combine them to create your own play style from a powerful battle-mage to a delicate temptress. Will you overcome your enemies through force or make them into your toys? It's up to you!

Yorna adjusts to your actions in narrative and quests so both slutty and pure walk-through will be enjoyable. Each scene has 2 versions and I’m thinking about adding the third option where Ada takes the lead completely. Though this stuff is for the future.

Depending on your operation system, the game may need additional preparation to execute properly. Here are guides for MacOS and Linux. Windows doesn’t need any extra moves to run.

You can get the last public version here:

Windows – Google Disk | Mega mirror

MacOS X – Google Disk | Mega mirror

Linux family – Google Disk | Mega mirror

Android – Google Disk | Mega mirror

Monster Girls
– All kinds, from fairy and kitsune to harpy and succubus.
Scene Pairings – Female / Female, Male / Female.
Main kinks – Monsters, Yuri, Straight, Group sex, Аhegao, Creampie, Squirting, Bulges, Titfuck, Bukkake, Tentacles, Voyeur, Toys, Corruption and Seduction, Battlefuck.

Yorna has a number of special controls for in-game features. You can check a quick summary here.

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Version 0.1.5 brings the usual content pack: a few new zones with a puzzle, secondary quests, a psycho-parrot pet and 3 core scenes each with 2 variations - normal and lewd. 2 of such scenes are the standard boss and monster scenes and the last one is special. It's a repeatable modular scene. More on this in the features section.

I also updated the “Special Controls” help text both on the Patreon and inside game packages. Now it should be easier to navigate and use.
You can get Yorna 0.1.5 version here.


Interactive non-linear scenes

I made an experiment with H scenes to test out modular and repeatable scene structure for the future. You can check it after getting a maid dress from the dressmaker and accepting baron's offer for work.

This system allows players to try out a new approach with shorter, non-linear H scenes. During the scene, players will have several options to respond and act differently. Depending on the client's character and Ada's sex skills, players will get various rewards - from gold to items.

This is the first step of implementing such scenes with just one client. Later releases will have more poses and sex types, plus more characters and interactive options. Also, I plan to add more frames/pictures to all scenes later, after Yorna achieves the first Patreon goal. As it all depends on player interest, I'll be glad to receive feedback from you.

Shortened Scenes option

From the 0.1.5 version onwards Yorna supports an additional option for players who want to shorten the length of H scenes in the game. It's available through the main options menu and defaults to "Full" setting. Both "Full" and "Short" versions use the same graphics base and differ only in the text length. You can switch between versions any time you like.

This setting affects both gallery and "on-map" H scenes. All scenes support this feature.

I appreciate your feedback about the feature. Contact me with your thoughts via mail or personal messages.

Upgrading your castle

Version 0.1.5 brings options to repair your castle and add additional functions to it. To access the upgrade menu, talk to the Adviser Arthur just outside the castle. Minor upgrades are available from your castle's workshop once you've completed the first stage of repair.

At this time, minor features include Ada's personal room with a pet and a herb garden for your alchemical needs. This feature will get more options in the later updates.

Improvements and fixes

Added a cursor image to show the active digit during code input for gallery unlock.

Gallery mode now listens for the Escape key and allows to jump 1 level up in the menu tree up to the main game menu.

Fixed Ada's sex skills info. Now all of them show in proper places in the table.

Crafting materials requirements now follow a clearer notation: materials required - space - slash - space materials in your backpack.

Target window for using food or potions lost the default border setting and is transparent now.

Cleared the cursor in the loot window. It didn't serve a purpose there because there's no choice in the reward collection. You get them all.

Fixed combat background randomization. Now each of three battle backs has exactly 33.3% chance to appear.

Fixed battle sprites for bosses during in-combat dialogues. They don’t overlap with combat info bar anymore.

Fixed a visual bug with a botched tree in Nymph's forest entrance section.

Updated the Hall of Fame map with a few new names. Also, you can exit the credits section by hitting the Escape key without waiting for the roll-over.

Added short tracks for pianos inside baron's mansion. Yeah, classic music!

Fixed a few minor typos in some descriptions.

Marked logo – loading screen as such to avoid possible confusion during Yorna’s loading.

Yorna v0.2.0 is ready for download and you can get it here. Lots of fresh stuff from new zones and weapons to H scenes, dresses and monster girl cutscenes.

Let’s start with the lewd stuff.

Graphic and scenes

v0.2.0 has 2 new scenes in lewd and normal variations – 4 new unlocks for the gallery. The “maid job” recursive scenes receive 13 new frames with new graphics and 2 new clients with their own character and gifts for the job well done. New frames are focused on Ada working with her hand and happy endings.

As the result, recursive scenes has more variety now. I will add lewd sound to these scenes during the next update – didn’t have the time in this dev cycle.

Monster girls receive their own sprites and mini-cutscenes in the castle. Calista the lamia will receive her unique sprite in the next update and I will try to move from generic stuff towards more specific and original graphics. Yorna v0.2.0 has 2 custscenes: 1 for Leary and another one for Gabby.

You can try out 2 new dresses. One can be crafted after updating you castle to lvl 1, which you could do in the v0.1.5. Check Diana’s shop afterward. The lamia boss has the other one.

Your castle and improvements

Players can upgrade their default “Firepuff” magic skill to a more powerful “Fireblast” in the luxurious Ada’s room. Check the bookshelves on the left.

You can upgrade your garden with a batch of red herbs for alchemy and other crafting needs. Also, I added a well inside the herb garden to gather water. All water gathering yields twice the amount to speed up the gathering process.

Castle receives a default “kitchen/mess hall” zone where you can buy food with a discount. Plus, you can check how well Gabby is behaving while you are gone. After all, the girl has her needs…

Arthur no longer gives the introductory cutscene if the player visited Ada’s room on their own before triggering it.

Crafting and alchemy

Sand tribe’s town offers a book with advanced alchemy recipes. Buying it unlocks new types of more effective potions.

Added materials to monster’s drop list to make crafting easier and more appealing. Reduced crafting cost for some weapons to make them available earlier.

Interface and GUI

Added gold window to the main “on-map” menu. Now you can check you money by hitting the escape anywhere.

Moved status bar under HP and MP bars so players could clearly see the debuff or buff icons.

Removed confirmation on healing items in-combat because Ada is the only correct target for them.

Increased the size of gallery preview pictures so you can clearly see the details. The screen holds 4x3 pictures at the current configuration.

Added scrolling to the gallery mode. To view all the scenes (14) you need to scroll down by pressing the arrow with the mouse pointer or tapping down on the keyboard.

Renamed “Blowjob” to “Oral” as Ada will get opportunities to dive between ladies’ legs too.

Balance & enemies

Placed some monsters further away from entry points so players could away combat if they decide to do so.

Rebalanced the oni so you can beat her easier. She was pretty tough in the v0.1.5 and players had problems with her.

Adjusted skeleton’s movements speed to the usual “aggressive standard”. They were faster than intended.

Losing to monster and bosses now yields less SP. I increased SP for wins to counter this change.

Other changes and improvements

Deleted debug tiles which slipped in during the previous dev cycle. No more cheating :p

Fixed mountain tiles on the global map. Now they are stick together correctly.

Fixed ignored sprite hide command for Ada during one of the dialogues with Arthur.

Fixed some lewd sounds which had a strange panning to the right. Must be a misconfig on my part.

Fixed a bug with the gallery not unlocking second type of the scene for a specific monster if players already got one type of scene unlocked and had “Skip” as their watched scenes option. Now it works with all options.

Fixed a bug which blocked the alchemy table in Ada’s room. Now you can brew at home too!

Fixed visual jitter if players attempted to use a pedestal in oni’s puzzle without orbs in their inventory.

Fixed some typos and missing actor tags in dialogs.


Whew! This is the longest changelog so far. Stay tuned for upcoming dev plans and polls!
August's "Next monster girl" poll is over and it's time to announce the winner. Jinko leads with 16 points, Honey Bee us close behind with 14 and the third place goes to Kakuen with 10 points. Lizard ends up 3 and poor Ratatosk and Holstaur have 0.

One big cat is coming up in v0.2.5. Mrawr!

Please note, wiki image is here to give you a general look of a specific monster girl type and the final version may be a bit different.

Now let’s talk about the artist poll. Cash wins with a huge lead of 20 points. Both Comanch and Rptrz got 3 points. Alright! I'm already hashing the details with him and it's perhaps we can slip in 1 extra scene for Yorna v0.2.5. No promises though, as it all depends on the artist.