
I decided to shift the release earlier because I’m going on another business trip today and can’t guarantee a stable connection to make a proper release.

You can get the fresh version here.

Without further ado, let’s see what’s new in Yorna v0.2.5 aside from the usual new zones and story pack:

Scenes and Art

V0.2.5 has 2 new base scenes, each with 2 variations - normal and slutty.

The mansion got a new type of interactive scene - coach adventures with some backside exploring. The scene has all the 3 clients from the start and supports gallery activation. Similar to the first, blowjob scene, it will receive extra frames and branches in the next Yorna update, bringing it to the full intended scale. Also, I plan to do a half-clothed version in v0.3.0 if the time will permit it.

Just as previous feedback poll suggested, I added H sounds to all interactive maid scenes, both new and old. This change includes all clients and variations inside the scene.

The second base scene is centered on the big cat that you will find in the new forest zone along the plot line. ”The Big Fluff” monster girl is also present but, at this update, limited to plot story involvement, cutscenes and some mind-reading tricks. Also, teasing and fluff domination :p

Main Features

Yorna received the base logic for enchanting items and you can test it out with the sword part you’ve been collecting through your journey. v0.2.5 has the third and last piece so you can assemble the blade and tune it to your preferred play style. To use this feature, you’ll need to restore your castle after gaining the trust of a certain furball.

There are other improvements you can do - like repairing the shortcut bridge to your castle. Visit the lumberjack village for this opportunity.

I will expand the enchanting system to more items in the upcoming updates since the idea of giving more slots for equipment weren‘t solved in a satisfactory way. Every solution had its own drawbacks, so I decided to do this kind of sidestep. So far I see no penalties for using it and plan to support it all the way to Yorna’s final release.

v0.2.5 got the biggest pack of cutscenes and monster girl sprites out of all previous ones. All of them received synchronization of big on-screen sprites and portraits inside the text block. This includes all the previous monster girl cutscenes too.

I plan to use such cutscenes to add more monster girl interaction after their initial capture and some choices with buff or item rewards in the future.

Also, I finished all the monster girls sprites and plan to avoid using general ”flying ball” as an enemy sprite. Hopefully, this will add a bit of immersion to the game.

Small improvements and fixes:

Adjusted the gold line in the after-battle loot window so it doesn‘t climb higher than intended.

Fixed a single castle tile which was ignoring local -> global map size conversion. No more pygmy Ada :p

Re-marked craftable sword pieces as key items to avoid showing them in the regular inventory and confusing players.

Changed active piano sounds in the mansion.

Reduced costs for Sand Town smithy – the novice staff was too expensive.

Fixed a rare looped start for the interactive maid job scenes. It sometimes happened right after finishing one scene and the second one started without getting the money from Jack.

Added a mention of a local alchemist during Deadroot monologue to help players locate the interested person.

Fixed alchemist quest so she no longer asks players to get some Deadroot after they already gave some to her.

Changed grass graphics inside the Grey encampment - the edge is no longer looking like it’s close to a chasm.

Fixed some typos, missing dialogue tags and passable map geometry.
Monster girl poll is over and here are the results:

Raiju wins with a huge lead – 32 points. Second place goes to Moth with 16 points. Glacies and Uki-Onna are close with 10 and 11 points. Yeti ends up with 7 and poor Selkie got only 6.

I’ll use both first and second places for version 0.3. Looks like this approach will be more flexible in the future if I won’t need a specific girl for plot reasons.

Also, I’ve got different feedback about the current gallery logic, to be precise - names for locked scenes. Some players want to see names for all scenes, even locked ones. Others find interest in exploring the requirements for various H events without hints.

You can take part in this public poll here. It will be up for a week so everyone can participate.

A lot of releases shift a bit forward due to my work schedule - this one is not an exception. Oh well... Yorna v0.3 is here and ready to roll!

You can get the fresh version here.

So let's check what's new aside from the usual cutscene and story pack and start with H scenes:

Due to the previous goal and the new artist I prepared 3 scenes + extra frames for the sofa scene in the mansion. News H events feature moth, raiju and Baron Sebastian in a special scene after getting a high score with any of the clients.

I added a clothed variation to the sofa scene and made different frames for outer and inner finishes. 10 new frames in total for this scene. Special event with the baron is a one-time scene so getting a normal variation will unlock the lewd one too and vice versa.

I hope the next month will involve less "behind the scenes" changes and more work done. Yet it's understandable that newcomers require some time to settle in. Hopefully, the next month artist can step back a bit and update an existing scene for better quality. Something like we already did with mansion's scenes.

We'll see how it'll go.

Performance and tech updates

I migrated Yorna to RPG Maker v1.6.1 and Kadokawa fixed most of the problems in a year. I also tweaked the plugins and pruned less useful of them. Both garbage collector and pixi graphical engine received some love too.

The results are quite nice - resource consumption went down x1.8-x2 compared to 1.5.2. Yes, there is a gap in results due to the testing methods I used – I’m pretty sure no one will fast-forward different scenes 50 times in a row. Right?

All features and saves are compatible so you don't have to worry about starting a new game for Yorna v0.3. There are some things to polish but I’m happy with the results as is. The next big tech thing will be MacOS investigation.

I shortened the SP calculating delay after battles as some players thought their game froze. The logical functions are still the same.

Features and interface

Players wanted to see the names for H scenes in the gallery, even locked ones. I implemented this feature so you can get the hint how to get your locked events.

Deafeted monster girls will offer a small stat increase after you bring them to the castle. This is still a work in progress and you can expect more such interactions. Check your castle - these events are among the new monster girl cutscenes pack.

Now you can buy herbal tea to counter Ada's lewdness if it gets too high for your liking. You can't get her to a completely pure state though and remember - using the tea will make lewd skill training harder in the future.

Added dynamic shadows as a test feature. This means they will properly darken all objects under them, not just floor. Default RPG Maker's shadows are boxy and meh at best so I experimented a bit. If all goes well all shadows will be swapped to the advanced variation.

Minor updates and fixes

Fixed a flicker with calculating numbers inside the combat screen. Now there's nothing appearing under Ada's HP and MP bars during hit animations.

Arranged combat sprites closer to the center of the screen for better composition.

Increased healing skills cast speed to help players with "Oh crap" situations.

Changed Jack's dialog so he could appropriately comment on Ada's lewd level during their first scene.

Blocked the function to press and hold action button on permanent interactive vents like wells. Plugins didn't like such interactions.

Fixed a small cliff inside the desert zone. Previously players could climb it even without vines.

Allowed to eat "lizard-on-a-stick" item both during combat and map exploration as it was intended. Yummy! (Careful with food poisoning tho)

Fixed gnoll's battle skill description during the animation.

Fixed jinko's (tiger) scene results. Now it properly unlocks her scenes according to Ada's lewd level and checks if the player wants to skip the second playthrough of her scene.

Fixed Diana's store not offering all the intended dresses after upgrading the castle to the last stage.

The usual typo and dialogue tag fixing.

Another poll finished so let’s see who did you pick this time. Nereid wins the race with 20 points. Both Apsara and Scylla got 15 points and receive the second place. The third one goes to the Sea Slime with 13 points. Mermaid is close behind with 12 points and Tritonia finishes with 7.

Thanks for participating!

Please note, these images are here to give you a general look of a specific monster girl type and the final version may be a bit different.

Version 0.3 is up and ready for download. The full changelog is here and you can get the game here:

Windows – Google Disk | Mega mirror

MacOS X – Google Disk | Mega mirror

Linux family – Google Disk | Mega mirror

This release features a tech overhaul, including an attempt to address MacOS problems. A special note for Mac users - try running Yorna in the native environment and see if it plays fine. Testing on a virtual machine completed successfully yet live tech can be a bit different.

Please, contact me if you encounter any kind of stability, performance or other issues.
Last edited:
I’m releasing a hotfixed version of v0.3 due to a nasty bug sneaking into the public version. You can get the fresh build (0.3a) here:

Windows – Google Disk | Mega mirror

MacOS X – Google Disk | Mega mirror

Linux family – Google Disk | Mega mirror

If you don’t want to re-download the entire game you can swap these three files: Map - Map - Events. Place all the files inside the www\data directory (and confirm the overwrite). This fixes the problem with the baron’s scene. If you made a save inside the bugged H event map - use the ladder to get down to the first floor, just as you would normally do on the second floor.

Sorry for the trouble.

Whoa, the month was hectic with an artist rotating out of the development cycle. Still, the next version is ready for download. You can get Yorna v0.3.5 here.

Let’s see what’s new in this update aside from the usual story package.

H Scenes and art

You can get new 4 new scenes. 2 base events, both of them with lewd and normal variations. We also added the first batch of new frames to the moth scene. You don’t need to re-unlock it, just you the gallery if you had it before the update. As I mentioned earlier scenes will get some love in the future updates.

I postponed the third scene to November and it will be the third variation of the mansion “Maid Job” H event with Ada being… on top of things. More on this in the upcoming developer plans for November -> December.

Mechanics and gameplay

Version 0.3.5 has 2 new dresses for Ada: one for beating up the boss and the second one is available in Diana’s shop. Craftable dress features new mechanic – stealth. Using the active skill of this dress, you can ignore common enemies, as they can’t initiate the combat with Ada even if they catch her. Use it for resource gathering and puzzle solving.

I saw the parity inside the cutscenes poll and will weight my ideas accordingly for the upcoming releases. 0.3.5 still has a pretty lighthearted mood for most of the cutscenes. This doesn’t mean there won’t be any cute or funny events in the future though.

Your castle’s lab is finally up and running! For now, you can upgrade a bunch of trinkets but with time you’ll get options with weapons and armor too. Talk with the lab staff to access the upgrade menu and prepare to spend your cash together with the new material – focus crystals. To avoid various strange scenarios players should un-equip the item they want to strengthen. Otherwise, it won’t appear in the menu.

A new type of game package

Testing showed I can use online platforms to deploy Yorna for playing in browsers. Controls are the same, including mouse options and the game runs smoothly performance-wise. The problem for such deployment is underlying web server - sometimes Yorna’s logic breaks completely while other web servers allow achieving performance close to a local client.

This means I will try several platforms for distributing the public version of Yorna and see how it‘ll go. If everything will be fine players will get another option to play the game without even downloading it. Yet no promises - it all depends on the platform and its staff.

Small fixes and improvements

Added a switch to bring the desert puzzle back to its original state. It’s on the northern wall of the room.

Switched the “glow” effect material nodes have from white to red for the winter regions to make them more noticeable. Crystal caverns use sparks instead.

Healing via the statue shrine will not force players to confirm the info message. Now you can use the statue and immediately move even with animations still playing.

Fixed Sebastian’s special scene in the mansion. Now it correctly works for both lewd and normal variants without allowing players to trigger it twice.

Re-linked the requirements for getting into Oni’s sand caves to finishing the first of Arthur’s quests – get him the Mothercare plant instead of overall clear. Some players got confused why their castle never progressed – that’s why.

Ada and enemy skill changes. Previously mage path with spamming firepuff/fireblasts had too much value for 1 mana point.

Added a note about saving before checking out the gallery if players used boss unlockable items after defeating them.

Leary, Gabby and Calista no longer disappear before their cutscenes end so Ada doesn’t talk with an empty space anymore.

Arthur will not only check if Ada has needed materials during the first update but also take them after player’s confirmation.

Added a note about the mountains in the East to the help message when Ada talks about Oni’s caves.

Spell blade now actually uses zoom-zoom sound during the attack – just as its description says.

Stay tuned for upcoming developer's plan post.