Yorna v0.6 is ready and you can get it here with the full pack of early access goodies.

Let’s see what’s new aside from the usual story + puzzle + cutscene addition.

H content

This release has 3 new basic scenes, each of them prepared both in normal and lewd variations. The first scene with the night gaunt is available on the upper floors of Mortimer’s tower while the boss scene awaits you at the top.

The third scene, featuring group sex, is inside baron’s mansion – check out the new basement zone. The entrance is to the left of the reception. To get past the guard, you’ll need to have at least 10 in Ada’s lewd level and baron’s scene with the piano.

Optional content

V0.6 update brings the foundation for 2 factions and their own quest lines. You can check them out and start earning their trust right now. Nun of Octa’s church built a monastery North of Ada’s castle and the refugees have a tent camp just outside of the lumberjack’s village.

Starting quests are easy to do and won’t require anything special to complete. They are here to hint at what’s coming in the next updates. So far, I plan to make at least 1 scene per faction aside from a pack of cutscenes and other interesting stuff.

Upcoming domination mode

While not directly a part of v0.6 release, I decided to mention this feature to mark players’ choice for the next feature in Yorna.

It will allow Ada to use lust magic overwhelm her opponents with sexual desire. Then she will take an active role during the new H event. To unlock such a scene, players need to have access to lust magic and win using only it. No clubbing enemies or fireballs to the face. Just pure lust magic like ”Lust Bolt” and ”Seduce” skills which you can get from dresses.

Most common monsters will receive the new mechanic. Obvious exceptions are enemies without brains (like skeletons) or non-humanoid types (like the poor sad flower in Nymph’s forest).

Why not bosses too? Ada invites new monster girls to her castle after winning and she actually needs to look them in the face afterward :)

Interface / Usability changes

Added vertical scroll in save and load screens. Now you can press up on the top of the list and the cursor will jump al the way to the bottom. Hitting down on the bottom will place the cursor at the top. The same applies to shops and menu choices.

Added a bit of space to the last batch of small maps which had problems with either blocking the exit points with Ada’s sprite or blocked “on-map” sprites during dialogues. Some of the maps: sand caves, nymph’s forest and grey kitchen.

Eruvian jack (the card game) no longer asks if you want to take another card while the score is already 21. Instead, the game automatically passes and allows your opponent to draw.

The game no longer forces you to enter the pine forest if you hit the escape button on the global map menu. Now it correctly closes the choice menu without moving the player.

Fixed a GUI bug where recipe and material lists could overlap during crafting.

Fully restored castle now responses to approaching the game – the same logic as the half-finished one. You don’t need to hit the action button to enter one of the rooms.

Small fixes / Improvements

Changed castle’s garden exit point so it no longer places Ada right before an obstacle.

Fixed a rare bug with mansion’s logic which blocked going to the second floor and the whole “maid” business.

Added a missing file to the CG gallery for ogre’s lusty scene. Now it no longer forces the game to bombard you with errors.

Fixed Oakheart’s description to a proper one.

Fixed shadows inside your castle’s kitchen.

Now you actually need to solve the statue puzzle before getting inside the “goodies” rooms in the cultist’s lair.

Fixed Serena’s scene item unlockable. If you used it before the fix, just walk inside your castle’s courtyard and save. The gallery will check the fix and add the missing scene if you already defeated her.

Fixed description for one of Calista’s combat skills.

Fixed Mio’s name in the first cutscene with Ayane at her fox shrine. Forgive me, kitty ><

Fixed graphics layering problem for snow mountain region on the global map.


Whew, looks like that’s it. As always, you don’t like something in the game – tell me and if you like Yorna – tell your friends. Stay tuned for upcoming updates!

February monster girl poll has ended - let’s see who’s won this time.

Ren wins with 48 points, behind her is Honey Bee with 31. 3rd place goes to Lizard with 13 points. Other girls end up with almost identical numbers: Mouse has 9, Golem has 8 and Kakuen ended up with 7.

Someone definitely loves pandas ^^ Thanks for participating and your support :)

Yorna v0.7 is out and ready for download. You can get the latest release here.

Let’s check what’s new aside from the usual story + puzzle + treasure bundle.

H Content and domination mode

This update features 3 new scenes. 1 with the panda, the second one with the honey bee and the last one with the ogre. Yes, it’s the first domination scene with Ada taking the active role. How? By reducing your enemies into lewd heaps driven by lust!

To activate the domination mode you will need to win the battle using non-damaging skills – namely Seduce or Lust Bolt. You can use any kind of buffs or heals and even items (Chap’s fine too if you decide to be funny about it) but no direct attacks. Default auto attack counts as direct aggression and won’t allow you to get domi scene. Since ogres receive extra damage from lust magic – this should be easy.

Domination scenes use a familiar logic with the regular variations. They support full/short length option to change the amount of text you’ll see. At the moment, I didn’t implement “Skip” feature for already watched domi scenes but it will be easy if players will voice such desire. Holding enter will fast-forward the text as usual though.

After the event’s end, Ada will appear at the battle tile – you don’t need to start the dungeon from the start. You can find domination events at the bottom of the gallery, marked with “Domination” tag. I’ll keep adding them there so they won’t mix up with “normal” scenes. Domi event support both full scene replay option and CG variation in the gallery – just like all other scenes.

New dress with medium lust requirement

To help you try out the domination mode without turning Ada into a complete slut, I added another craftable clothes for her. It provides the “Seduction” skill and requires only 10 lewd points. Check out Diana’s shop to get it.

New dialogue scenes and other improvements in your castle

For the start, I added new merchants in the longue area for player convenience. They provide medium grade potions and craft resources for gold.

Serena really kicked up laboratory’s efficiency – check it out for the new enchantment options to help you in your travels.

If you are hunting for dialogue cutscenes, visit the castle’s garden and Ada’s room. I added 2 new mini-scenes featuring Mio, Calista and Fiora the Panda.

Secondary faction quests

Both refugees and nuns receive a new quest – 1 for each faction. Ada will be able to learn more about these strange people and perhaps even glimpse the true nature of some characters. Will you be able to guess what’s coming next?

Small improvements / Bugfixes

Secondary factions received mentions in the “Help” functions for their respective quests. Once you receive them – you can use this feature to keep track of what you’ll need to do in order to progress further.

Maneater dress now adds the correct bonus for lust damage and show the correct slut level requirement in the info screen.

Fixed a small box in the pine forest. The loot used incorrect icon – healing pot instead of coins.

Fixed a problem with the craftable blade inside your castle. Now it has the highest priority and the lab master won’t switch to the regular shop before you finish blade’s restoration.

Fixed a bug with endless lewd level checking for dresses which required Ada to be pure (less or equal slut requirement)

Expanded herb garden’s size. Now you can’t see butterflies flying over the big black void on the right side of the zone.

Added interactive shadows inside the castle’s courtyard. Now they darken the objects under them.

Fixed another variation of a bug, which blocked players from getting to the second floor inside baron’s mansion.

Fixed one of Ayane's conversations which hid Ada's spire even if players didn't press Q.

Added weakness to clear-list for cleanse skill and medicine.


That’s it. Stay tuned for upcoming March -> April plans and monster girl poll for v0.8!
Hello! Another month, another release and it’s time to talk about what I will do in the upcoming month aside from the usual story + puzzle combo.

Before we begin - don’t forget to participate in the new monster girl poll for Yorna v0.8.

Let’s start with H stuff. You can expect 2 normal scenes - one for the boss and the other one for common enemies. Aside from this, I plan to make April the first month with 4 scenes, which means 2 domination scenes. I’m not sure about the exact enemies at the moment but gnoll and jinko look like main candidates.

I guess after the initial testing it’s safe to announce the upcoming Android mobile version. I can’t give an exact date for its arrival since it’s far from finished but I’ll do my best roll it out in April. The mobile version has some unique platform-based problems which need tending. After the initial delivery, it will use the same logic as any other platform, including early access release waves.

Crash problem is still with us and somehow it looks like Yorna will be completed before I’ll get any meaningful answer from nwjs team or RPG Maker support. They are still answering with the same ”We are working on this issue” standard mails. Yes, the autosave feature made playing somewhat easier but still…

You can expect some interface changes and quality of life improvements. For example, the ability to use several herbal teacups through a single interaction. Players asked about this several times and this feature will arrive in v0.8. Feel free to contact me with other ideas!

Also, I drafted new dialogue mini-scenes for Yorna - they’ll feature both new and old monster girls. In one of them, Ayane the kitsune will offer Ada special training at her shrine to help her in future battles. What can go wrong?

Optional faction story lines will receive news quest, one for each faction. You’ll see a special ritual to help the common folk who suffer from lust aura’s influence in nun’s quest line. And the refugees” task will serve a start for a special operation!

These are the main points for March -> April development. Some details may change a bit during the month but not that much. Stay tuned for updates and previews!

March poll was a decent fight between two main candidates. Chesire wins with 58 points while Valkyrie gets the second place for 46 points. Angel and Apsara end up with scores of 21 and 22 respectively. Jubjub finishes with 8 points and Cupid gets only 5 votes.

Hmm, I wonder if Mio influenced the results ^^

Also, we have a new record for participants - 76 people took part in deciding the new monster girl. Thanks for participating and your support :)
Heya! I made a poll about moving between rooms inside the player’s castle. It’s a public vote so drop in and choose which option you prefer. I’ll make the logic changes according to player feedback.

The release v0.8 is ready and you can download it here. Let’s see what it brings aside from the usual story + treasure hunt + puzzle. This changelog takes the title of the biggest in Yorna’s history.

Oh, by the way, don’t panic If you remember pipe puzzle in League of Corruption. This time it’s an easier version and you can solve it without being keen on hearing sound differences.

H scenes and art

This update brings 4 new scenes to discover. First one features gargoyle from the new location – the floating island and it has 2 usual variations – lewd and the normal one. The same goes for the cheshire in the same zone.

Jinko (the tiger girl) received a new domination scene. To get this one, you must defeat her with lust magic only. The last H encounter is inside Octa church – the confessionals are available, don’t forget to check them out. Both these scenes have only one variation.

I’m placing domination and factional scenes (nun and vagabond) at the end of the gallery so they won’t mix with the regular H events.

Mobile version package

Now you have an option to play Yorna on Android devices! I’ll upload the apk file with other versions from now on. A fair warning – I can’t test it out on all devices with all possible screen resolutions and system software. Contact me about any problems you encounter and add all available information to speed up the fixing. I ironed out all problems for my devices, but you never know…

So, what’s the difference between, let’s say, Windows version and Android? They are similar, yet the mobile version has some special functions. To emulate pressing “Escape” on the keyboard you either can perform a double finger tap (or whatever it’s truly called) or hit the button in the lower right corner.

Since you don’t have a control button on your mobile device, you can activate the auto-battle feature by pressing on the text itself. Aside from this, it works the same way on the laptop.

You won’t have save issues between mobile versions, I already tested this possibility. Since the ID of the game stays the same, trying to install a newer version will update your current one without deleting your progress.

There’s still a convenience issue with Ada’s big “on-map” sprite which you can hide by pressing Q. I can think of at least 2 options how to introduce this feature in the mobile version, but I don’t have the time to implement and properly test them before v0.8 release. So, this will have to wait for the next update.

Castle changes and improvements

You can find a new string in the options menu called “Intra-Castle Movement”. It’s a toggle between ”Yard Only” and ”All Rooms”. If ”Yard Only” option is chosen, Yorna uses the same logic as before and nothing changes from previous releases. ”All Rooms” toggle will display ”gate” movement menu each time you leave a room so you can choose your destination. With this option, you don’t have to exit to the courtyard and then use the gate to move into a different room.

This option uses ”All Rooms” by default since the majority wanted to see this in the feedback poll. Players can toggle this feature at any moment. The change takes an immediate effect and you don’t have to restart the game.

Also, don’t forget to check out Ada’s room inside the castle. If you watched all the scenes about Ayane and Mio, the kitsune will offer special training. It will help with Ada’s magical powers and feature a special evening just for them… Or not?

As always, visit the laboratory to check for new formulas and upgrades, especially if you’ll breach floating island’s vault.

Interface changes

I changed how herbal tea’s logic works. Now the game checks how many cups you have and allows drinking it by 1, 5, 10 or 15 cups at once. The tea still can’t lower Ada’s lewd level below 5 and I prepared for it - the game calculates the excess cups and refunds them. If you have less than 5 cups in the inventory, nothing changes during drinking.

Players no longer need to confirm the target for beneficial skills like a Heal and Mend on the “on-map” menu. Cleared the target window for buff/heal skills.

Added hints for the first factional quests. You can check them just like before – use the “Help” button inside the “on-map” menu.

To bring up factional dialogues closer to an established standard with important story cutscenes, I added Ada’s big “on-map” sprite to them. This change affects longer scenes.

You can read more about all the features here.

Small improvements and fixes

Doors inside the mansion’s basement no longer require hitting action button for interaction. Now they activate just by a touch.

Fixed several scenes which didn’t unlock in the gallery if players already got a different variation from the same encounter (lusty/normal) if “Skip Watched Scenes” was on.

Corrected lewd lever requirements for some dresses and their warning pop-up messages.

Grammar and NPC tag fixes in dialogues.

Fixed lava caves entrance zone – columns no longer cut the top of Ada’s hair if she goes close enough to them.

Deleted incorrect “End of the content” message during a dialogue with Serena after rescuing her.

Fixed gates inside puzzle zones. They no longer shift if players try to interact with them. This doesn’t affect the puzzle’s logic in any way.

Gave default Ada’s dress a bit of a touch up to better represent her clothes.

Expanded the walking zone on the stairs in the castle’s lab.

Mend no longer damages Ada during a crit. Yes, you read this right.

Added autosave function to the exit inside cultist lair with tenta-girls.

Synced all in-combat text boxes to a dimmed variation without a border.

Added lewd skill exp to domination scenes.

That’s all, folks! As always, if you don’t like something in the game – tell me and if you like Yorna – tell your friends. Stay tuned for upcoming developer plans and monster girl poll!
Hello! Another month, another release and it’s time to talk about what I will do in the upcoming month aside from the usual story + puzzle + treasure hunting combo.

Before we begin - don’t forget to participate in the new monster girl poll for Yorna v0.9.

Let’s start with H stuff. You can expect 2 normal scenes - one for the boss and the other one for common enemies. As usual, they will arrive with normal and lewd versions. Aside from this, I’ll finish vagabond’s factional quest line and add an H event to it. Its codename is ”Operation Penetration” featuring Jinko and Raiju. You can also expect at least one domination scene in v0.9.

To sum it all up, the update will bring at least 4 new H events with 6 scenes.

Android version is already available to patrons and I’m waiting for feedback. Soon enough it will be open for everyone during the public release. Feel free to send me what you think about it and your ideas about how the game could be improved interface-wise.

Factional quests - I’ll finish vagabond’s quest line in a rather interesting way :) Nuns will receive some attention too yet I’m not sure if their line will end in v0.9. This depends on my workload and free time - I have some business trips planned for the next month.

If you like the mini-scenes, you’ll get at least two in the upcoming update. Since Ada’s room is already has a lot of them, I’ll expand into different zones like the herb garden, your castle’s courtyard and possibly the village. Players and detective Mio will have a chance to learn more about other monster girls :)

Since I mentioned the castle, let’s touch the lab too. It will receive new formulas, including the final form of the named blades (like Talon and Companion) to help Ada in the final battle with Yorna.

Also, some players mentioned they wanted to get panda’s dress, and it’s doable within v0.9 development window. You can expect at least one new dress.

As I already mentioned earlier, there are some quality of life changes planned too. Like removing target confirm for food and potions - players simply don't need them since Ada doesn't have a sidekick.

These are the main points for April -> May development. Stay tuned for updates and previews!