
Version 0.9 monster girl poll is over and it’s time to announce the winner.

Doppelganger wins with 62 points, Dark Matter gets the second place with 42 while Demon finishes with the 3rd place and 26 points. Dark Elf ends up with a score of 18 and Dullahan gets 11. Vampire finishes with 8 and Imp gets only 4 votes.

Thanks for participating and your support :)

The release v0.9 is ready and you can download it here. Let’s see what it brings aside from the usual story + treasure hunt + puzzle.

H scenes and art

This update brings 4 new scenes. First one features dark matter in the new location, and it has 2 usual variations – lewd and the normal one. The same goes for the doppler, the boss of version 0.9

Nereid gets a new domination scene. Same as always, to get this one, you must defeat her with lust magic only. The last H encounter is tied with vagabond’s optional questline. I hardly recommend checking the finale of this questline – it’s pretty funny. Both these scenes have only one variation.

I’m placing domination and factional scenes (nereid and raiju x vagabond) at the end of the gallery so they won’t mix with the regular H events.

New dress

Players asked for a new dress and I decided to go with pandarian garb to provide a high level option for warrior-like approach. It has a powerful skill for melee combat, so if you prefer brute forcing your enemies – check out Diana’s shop after beating Desona.

Scenes and optional content

You can find a new mini-scene with Mio and Gabriella inside the garden. Since this update was more focused on finishing vagabond’s optional quest arc, most of the time went there.

Now you can finish vagabond’s plotline – check the help button in the “on-map” menu if you don’t remember where you were in the quest chain. It doesn’t require much time to wrap it up and I recommend doing so. You’ll learn more about Raiju and her “Big Hero” in the process.

Castle changes

Check you your lab! After days of hard work, Serena managed to devise formulas for most powerful weapons to help you. Namely, each of the puzzle swords (Talon, Companion and Spellblade) received their last upgrade.

They require quite a bit of money and rare materials yet they are worth it!

Made kitchen and lab maps bigger so Ada’s on-map sprite won’t hide the walkable zones.

Lust draft and alchemist quest

Players asked for a way to bump up Ada’s lust level similar to herbal tea. After completing the first part of the alchemist’s quest in the starter village, she will gladly sell lust drafts. These items work as the herbal tea with one exception – drinking it will increase the lewd level.

If you have several bottles in the inventory, the game will offer several options: drink 1, 5, 10 or 15 bottles at once. A convenient option for players who want to play around with Ada’s lewd level.

Please note, drinking lust draft won’t upgrade your lewd skills, just the lewd level.

Small improvements and fixes

Fixed shop scroll for mobile devices. Now it allows checking all options in the list.

Fixed color code sometimes popping up with the hint in the lower part of the screen after using items during dialogues.

Intra-castle movement now works correctly with all variations of the castle, including the clean, non-upgraded version.

Swapped the second scepter of power from the lava depths zone for oakheart staff. If you already cleared the zone and got the scepter, check out castle’s lounge. I added a new npc who sells some weapons, including oakheart.

Fixed a rare bug where scenes with warnings didn’t unlock gallery entries after getting the scenes.

Now you need to press the action button or click on lumberjack’s village to enter it. This way you won’t get inside if you were walking somewhere else and stepped into the village by chance.

Cleared empty choice window after the player picks shopping option.

Potions no longer require a confirmation to use in battle. Since Ada fights alone there’s only one target.

Deleted the extra text block in nun’s scene.

Grammar and typo fixes in some scenes and intra-castle movement menu.

Talon family swords now properly apply bleeding on successful hits. Fixed a bug where “on hit” logic was skipped.


That’s all, folks! As always, if you don’t like something in the game – tell me and if you like Yorna – tell your friends. Stay tuned for upcoming developer plans and monster girl poll!
Hello! Another month, another release and it’s time to talk about what I will do in the upcoming month aside from the usual combo.

Before we begin - don’t forget to participate in the new monster girl poll for Yorna v1.0.

Let’s start with H stuff. You can expect 2 normal scenes - one for the boss and the other one for a common enemy. As usual, they will arrive with normal and lewd versions. You can expect at least one domination scene in v0.9.

After completing vagabond quest line, I’m planning to finish nuns next. Most likely they won’t get a second H event, just cutscenes and some rewards for following the quest chain to the end.

Android version will get some tuning based on players’ feedback. Feel free to pitch it and suggest something or point out something you want to change.

This month, I’ll try my best to finish Yorna’s plotline and implement all the three planned endings. So, v1.0 will be the last update with story content. What will be my next step?

In short, we’ll enter an interlude where I’ll be adding new content to Yorna while players will choose a new project from a few options. After this, I’ll draft out the winner and switch over to the new game. I’ll give more details after releasing v1.0.

The last point is a technical one - crashes. I pointed out several code areas which may contain the problem. For this month, this will be the second goal importance-wise. Yes, the autosave somewhat softens the issue yet looks like the next game will use RPG Maker too. Thus, I’m very interested to solve this problem.

Sadly, there‘s no guarantees and support teams both from RPG Maker and nwjs can‘t give me an answer even after 4 months and full access to the game code.

These are the main points for May -> June development. Stay tuned for updates and previews!

Version 1.0 monster girl poll is over and it’s time to announce the winner.

Titania wins with 63 points and Genie gets the second place with 49. Ryu finishes with the 3rd place and 36 points. Last 3 contestants ended up very close to each other. Hakutaku ends up with 17 and Akaname gets 16. Alraune finishes with only 14 votes.

Thanks for participating and your support :)

Yeap, after more testing I’m fairly sure the crashes are gone for good. Now I need to fiddle with the code a bit more to circumvent the faulty logic and test out save compatibility with the fix.

Some players reached out to me with a mobile version problem - the pack-up script didn’t include some sound files. I’m working on the solution and testing the script with various configs so the situation won’t happen in the future.

With some luck, I’ll be able to finish before the next release wave for v0.9.

You can download the game here. This release marks the final story update for Yorna but I’ll make several content packs for it in upcoming months.

I’ll post more info about this in the next development plans + a bit inside “What’s next?” section in the changelog.

Don’t worry, after completing the main storyline and watching ending sequence, you can continue playing to solve remaining puzzles, get all the scenes (including the ones I’ll add later) or simply watch mini-cutscenes with monster girls.

Yorna has 3 main endings + optional outcomes for factions, Octa church and vagabonds. Getting any ending will unlock all dress graphics so you can check them out in the gallery. Perhaps you missed some?

Oh, and don’t forget to prepare for Yorna’s fight. As the final boss, she can surprise you.

H scenes and art

v1.0 brings two usual scenes with lewd and normal variations for common enemies and the boss. New domination event features the gnoll. As always, you can find new scenes towards the end of the gallery.

Desona’s normal scene and doppler’s lewd scene no longer fade out the screen in the gallery’s replay mode if the short length was chosen in options. Gargoyle’s slutty scene now plays as intended. Sorry for these glitches.

Nun questline ending and cutscenes

Finished Octa church’s optional quests in v1.0. Each quest step has hints. You can meet one of Ada’s old acquaintances during it and get a useful talisman as a reward. It may come very handy in Yorna’s boss fight.

Added a mini-event with the honeybee in the castle’s garden if you decided to help her with honey.

Tech stuff

Crash problem fix. While I released it before the final v1.0, it’s a big change and I decided to list it here. If you still encounter any kind of issues – contact me with all available info. Autosave feature stays even with its main enemy defeated for convenience sake.

Fixed geometry and shadows in several areas – lava depths, Mortimer’s tower, Grey castle and cultist caves with dark matter.

Fixed passive effect from “Clarity” skill. Now it correctly applies mana regen to all battles.

Fixed combat sprites showing above interface in boss fights. Now they are properly layered under it.

Small fixes and improvements

Lust draft received appropriate item info.

Adjusted Astrum’s (dress) details to reflect that its mana regen is passive and works even out of combat as intended.

Corrected 2 issues with total clear counters inside the mansion and Grey laboratory.

Fixed Serena arrival at the castle before you save her from Desona.

Ada’s no longer briefly invisible after losing to dark matter or doppler and teleporting to Ayane’s shrine.

Fixed missing icon for the tray.

Fixed some dresses to correctly work with Ada’s undressing. Previously they retained original clothes instead of showing naked sprites.

Fixed static cursor during code input for the shady guy if you didn’t use the keyboard to change between digits.

Sex sounds no longer play after gallery’s H events in the mansion are over.

What’s next?

It’s only a brief description of my plans and I’ll give all the detail in the upcoming dev.plans. In short, I’ll prepare several posts about game drafts I have in mind for the next project. These will be public, just as the poll for deciding the new game. Patrons will have their voting power increased to reflect their contribution, no worries here.

The poll will be up for about 2 weeks so players can think about the options meanwhile I’ll try to contact news sites and forums to get more eyes on Yorna and the new project discussion. Any help in this regard is deeply appreciated.

Setting the new game aside, Yorna will receive a content update each month. Typically, such packs will contain new H scenes (domi events + mansion), mini-cutscenes with different monster girls. Maybe I’ll add a new optional quest or two, depends on the workload. Don’t want to add stupid fetch errands.

Can’t give an exact number of months before the next project goes live but Yorna will receive monthly updates up to the point where the new game takes over as the main project. As a rough approximation, I’d say the interlude will be around 3 months.

I’ll provide more info on new features I want to add and reports about each phase of preparation later. Let’s just say I’m planning to bring fully animated scenes in a new way, without League of Corruption’s flaws. Among other things…

See you in the next developer’s plans!
It’s time to discuss detailed plans for June -> July period and beyond. A fair warning – it will be a pretty big post but it’s necessary to create an understandable picture of my plans for Yorna and the interlude. Okay, let’s start with Yorna and immediate future.

Yorna’s future and updates

As I already mentioned in v1.0 changelog, Yorna will receive monthly updates until I can fully switch my attention to the new game. The next update will bring at least 3 new scenes aside from some game polishing.

At the same time, I’ll try to get some distribution platforms like Nutaku and Steam so more players could try my creations. Tell your friends if you liked the game, any help is greatly appreciated.

Thing is – these are shops and most likely new updates will be exclusive to Patreon and these platforms. Of course, patrons will receive all the new content, but free releases will stop at v1.0 as it will go public on July 7th. I’ll still support the free version logic-wise and fix the problems as they arise. Yorna’s exclusive version will receive EX name to avoid confusion.

EX will offer new H events, cutscenes with monster girls and possibly small optional activities. Yes, some of you may disapprove but let’s be honest – distributing platforms most likely won’t be interested in free content and you can play the entire game story-wise by downloading Yorna from Patreon.

Picking the new project

First of all, you, as players will decide which draft will be my next big thing. I’ll post info about 4 options during this week so everyone could pick their favorite among different settings and main character’s gender. The poll is scheduled for the weekend and most likely will take about 2 weeks.

The poll will be public with vote power scaling along with your support. It will use similar logic to “monster girl” polls which we held before. Patrons receive their regular power +1 and down to a minimum of 2 power at Magus tier. Non-patron votes count as 1. You can check reward tiers for more details or ask me directly if not sure about the system.

I’ll post drafts with ideas in separate posts and then link them all into the poll. This way you can check all the info without searching Patreon.

Interlude before switching to the new game

Alright, so how much time will I need to build prototype release for a new game? The whole period roughly divides into 3 game dev phases.

In the first phase, I’ll pick new features or improve existing ones to use in the next project. There’s a lot of ideas and 100% won’t be able to implement them all. I need to filter more important features and try them out to be sure they are working. This way I can be sure which option will be doable and how much time they consume for support.

In the second phase, I’ll be working on the detailed plot and implementing picked features in rough prototypes. This will happen after players pick the winner from my drafts during the poll. Then artists can start with the art, user interface and the game will enter pre-alpha state.

In the third phase, the new project will be approaching a playable version and conclude the interlude period. Polishing, pre-final tweaking and final touches before rolling the first release out. At this time, I’ll update the Patreon with new rewards specific to the new game and mark it as my main project.

I’ll provide details for each phase in weekly reports as I’ll work through the steps. These posts will include work in progress art, scenes and animations along with sketches and other stuff.

Okay, how much time will each phase take? Can’t say for sure but a rough estimate is about 1 month each. Perhaps a bit more. Wait, isn’t this pretty long? Depends on your point of view because I only described my own, developer’s goals for this period. There’s a second side.

Logistics and team correction

Players who followed Yorna for some time know there’s a delay between reaching goals and actually receiving the benefits from them. It’s the time where I search for suitable artists, modifying the code and do other preparations.

A good example is the art commissions. You can find different styles in Yorna. While not bad by itself, some players prefer a single art style across the whole game. This mishmash wasn’t my wish, but I had to get new people working on the game after some artists decided to cycle out. Personal preferences, other offers, real life – everything can happen during year-long game development.

Thus, the interlude will give me time to prepare the artist team which will (hopefully) stay the same until the finish.

The second big point is skill polishing. I want to use animated H scenes in the next project and doing so will require quite a bit of trial and error to present you juicy scenes. Since there’s no option to hire a pro animator, we’ll have to duke it out with artists. The animation is interesting yet can be rather hard to do properly.

Also, I plan to contact some local bands to create our own tracks for the new game. Using freebies is okay but they aren’t perfect quality-wise and sometimes it’s hard to get a fitting one for locations or events.

That’s about it for the general plan. Ask me anything either on Patreon or via