Reform School 1​


Year: 2002
Resolution: 352x288
Duration: 00:57:29


Golden Oldies "Rigid East Video" Classics.


From The Headmaster's Study: Unbridled Youth​


Year: 2002
Resolution: 352x288
Duration: 00:28:54

Today, I was confronted with yet another of the nationalistic excesses that seem to shoot up these days every so often like mushrooms after heavy spring rainfall.
Two days ago, one of our seventh-grade students, Miss Horváthová, always top of her class and the pride of our institute, delivered an essay to her Czech teacher full of grammatical and stylistic errors intolerable even for a young first-grade pupil. When summoned up to explain this unpleasant situation, she arrived in some kind of brightly coloured ensemble, absolutely unacceptable for a student of our institute, claiming it to be a Slovak national costume!
I do not tolerate any dress code extravagances in my institute for it is my opinion that young ladies should be modest and obedient. This clearly does not apply to Miss Horváthová who, whilst defending her rather peculiar dress with improper arguments and in a tone than can only be qualified as impertinent beyond belief, defiantly persisted in describing the weird mutation of the Czech language used in her essay as the mother tongue of the Slovak nation and her outrageous behaviour as national consciousness!
It is true that I have recently read in the Nationalist Newspaper about silly attempts of some Upper Hungarian students to create a new, somehow artificial, Slavonic nation within our Empire. God knows I was no angel during my early days and I am, therefore, prepared to make allowances for inexperienced youths who may in the motley group of nations united in the Austro-Hungarian Empire seek a pretext for undesired rivalry and try to put themselves forward. However, the last thing we need right now are nationalistic demonstrations and disputes. Such tendencies could very easily destroy the Empire! In my opinion, all similar attempts must be promptly nipped in the bud, if necessary, by using all means available to current pedagogical science, regardless of how harsh they may seem to be!
The curious dress of Miss Horváthová appears to be absolutely unsuitable not only for our institute but also for any practical use whatsoever. The nationalists, so blindly enthusiastic about anything “originally Slavonic”, are probably unable – or unwilling – to anticipate whether this “folk costume” can be normally used for everyday life or whether it might be necessary to take it off before every physical act.
I have been maintaining for years – and my long-time experience can only prove me right – that no educational method is more effective than repeated memorising, supported by a gentle, yet firm hand. And frankly, Miss Horváthová has still a long way to go before she learns how poisonous nationalistic fervour can be, or how to behave when dealing with her teachers.
It should be said that after my previous – and unfortunately not very successful – attempts to use educational instruments that are foreign to our country and nation I had to regretfully return to traditional well-established Austrian educational instruments, tested by time. There is really nothing quite as good and effective as a proper Austrian cane. I have come to the conclusion, however, that it will be necessary to have the bench modified a bit for it seems to be too low and not heavy enough. As a result, it is no longer capable of keeping some more physically developed students still as they move around the room trying to escape, dragging the bench behind them.
From the pedagogical point of view it is worth mentioning that the difference between attitudes to just punishment shown by experienced persons familiar with its good results on the one hand, and by persons so far unable to appreciate its educational effects on the other, is still immense.
The former accept just punishment with humbleness and respect, yet also with conciliatory patience for they know that they can only benefit from it and that although it may sometimes seem harsh, it is tolerable. The latter – and Miss Horváthová, a model student who is not very familiar with stricter educational methods, must be included in this category – at first display ignorant pride that is, however, soon replaced by tears and pain as they learn about its merits the hard way. I am still not quite sure whether I haven’t compromised my impartiality to students entrusted to my care by lessening the punishment of Miss Horváthová and replacing the cane with an instrument intended only for first-grade pupils. This benevolence can be, perhaps, excused by my conviction that punishment should always be appropriate not only in relation to the given offence, but also to the offender, and – last but not least – also by my own recollections ... I will never be able to express how thankful I am to my old headmaster, Mr. Unterfelsen, for the way he saved me, a young green supply-teacher, with his good-natured rigidity from backsliding into the unhealthy and reprobate company of those so-called nationalists by sending me to a village school for two years. I have to admit that I will always remember these years with gratitude and could not resist thinking of the wise greying head of Mr. Unterfelsen even today when educating the young lady. I can only hope that Miss Horváthová will one day remember me with the same love and gratitude!



From the Headmaster's Study: Immodesty​


Year: 2005
Resolution: 640x480
Duration: 00:55:44


Introducing you to the setting of the headmaster’s study would be like bringing coal to Newcastle. You, our loyal audience, have seen many stories from the headmaster’s study at St. Thomas School. Not only were you attracted by the pedagogical methods of the head of this institution and not only did you enjoy the spanking of guilty girl pupils, but you also enjoyed the catchy stories going within the walls of the office.
The headmaster experiences many good and bad things there …
He was proud to see naughty girls leaving his office, behaving like sheep, with their minds clear and correct. He swelled with pride when he heard their humble words begging for forgiveness and thanking him for their punishment.
And on the other hand, how superior and yet futile he felt under the scrutiny of the strict school inspector. How badly his suicide attempt ended. And, oh my God, how dreadful his mother’s visits can be!
In the new movie by Lupus Pictures, with the fitting name “Nastiness”, we see our good man in his best mood. Everything is going smoothly and the headmaster keeps an eye on his pupils. He punishes the first girl for disturbing the class. She suffers fifty strokes of the cane, and her begging and crying don’t help her at all. Her punishment is severe, but well-deserved. Black and blue bottoms taught a lesson to many naughty girls.
The second girl is more difficult to handle. Her offence (which we won’t reveal now) must be judged by the School Council. Thus we see many familiar faces again. Besides our headmaster we meet Dr. Freud and counselor Ehrlich. We also meet some completely new characters – catechist Weber and PE teachers Tiersch and Henlein (however, if these names sounds familiar to you too, you’re right).
As a result of this great meeting, two other girls come to the headmaster’s office. The Council has found their misconduct to be very serious for the whole society – what could possibly be worse than self-abuse?
They deserve severe punishment, and in a while both the girls lie naked and squirming, tied to the punishment bench. They are aware of their wicked offence against morality and they must expose their naked bodies to the severe beating given by their headmaster. Their eyes fill with tears as the rod lashes their bottoms and weals and bruises start to appear.
Nevertheless, both the girls know they deserve it.
We’re not going to tell you more. All we’ll say is that, as a consequence of his experiences, the headmaster has visionary abilities. You don’t understand? Well, then go and see the new movie from the headmaster’s study and all will be clear.
There are three beautiful girls, three canings, one hand caning, nudity, humiliation and DVD contains bonus materials: interview with all three actresses, trailers of Lupus Pictures movies and special gallery. Do not miss this movie!



From The Headmaster's study: The Peacock Lady​


Year: 2002
Resolution: 640x480
Duration: 00:30:49


Lupus Pictures productions adopted the popular series of the stories from the Headmaster’s study. And they are doing it well. Satisfied customers know well that this company brings the best in the spanking movies.
Back to our topic for today.
A young lady enters the Headmaster’s office – and a truly special one. Miss von Schroll feels to be an aristocrat. Her class teacher sent her in because she did not like Miss von Schroll’s change of behaviour. Miss von Schroll became exclusive, disrespectful to the teachers, rough to her classmates. The Headmaster scans Miss von Schroll and comes up with a plan to tame her. Of course, his most preferred educational tool – the cane – will be used. Haughtiness is abominable and must be eradicated. The Headmaster speaks casually at first. The dialogue reveals that Miss von Schroll is not of noble origin. Her father was only recently elevated for his deliveries of horseshoes for K.K. army. And his mushroom daughter now thinks that she can walk across sea unharmed. She would love to speak to the Headmaster as peers. But that’s half-baked!
Experience pedagogue is not easily confused by evasions. Quite on the contrary, he manages to direct the girl to a situation which quickly leads to the punishment stool. Noblesse obliges and the young „aristocrat“ should have served as a leading example to her classmates. If she had not, she desires twice as much punishment.
Young lady acts fractious even on the brink of her punishment. She is sure that she will receive proper caning. Nevertheless, she tries to act decorous and does not forget to mention the value of her underwear, brought from Paris, just before she is tied to the spanking bench. The Headmaster controls the situation; with naked butt, tied down and prepared for a strict punishment, the girls is no longer high-minded.
Then, a loud shhh is heard and the first of many well-deserved cane strokes lands. No, this is not a treatment she expected. The pain is gruesome and the cane lands again and again. Red welts start to appear and the girl’s original intention to bear the punishment with noble face is gone. Cries, laments, void pleas – the girl can’t stand the punishment by stinging cane. She tears and breaks down, maybe with less control of the situation that her classmates usually have in this situation. It might be caused by her poor education - is she missing her parent’s hard hand or is this debasement too much for her? The Headmaster has no mercy. He approaches her with disdain.
Miss von Schroll leaves the Headmaster’s study all broken, with minute amount of self-confidence. If nothing else, the punishment means that her „aristocrat“ butt will need some time to recover for her to be able to sit down again. Let’s hope that her upbringing will be corrected for at least that period. If not, this treatment could be repeated as desired. This last though brings a brief smile to the Headmaster’s face.
If you like strict spanking and are void pleas of those who are punished, if you like cries and tears of true pain, you will like this movie by Lupus Pictures. If you like the Headmaster’s dry humour and his dashing control of the situation, which inevitably leads to punishment of the naughty girls, you will enjoy this movie even more. Don’t hesitate!



My Sweet Little Village​


Year: 2011
Resolution: 960x720
Duration: 00:45:22


Dear viewers,
Today, after 11 years of our existence, we’re presenting you a movie which is, not only for you, but also for us – something totally new. We have finally created and shot a story, where a young couple – a girl and a boy – are punished together.
So let’s go together visit a small remote village, where lives a rich landowner with her son, and also poor girl from a cottage with her parents.
Despite the huge social differences those two young people fall in love and everything simply has to end the only one way – all differences disappear in a barn on hay, where the young couple can enjoy a tempestuous sex.
At the most arousing moment, the girl’s mother accidentally enters the barn – grabs her daughter by the ear, and screaming and lamenting, drags her back home. And the boy escapes promptly, though still with his pants down by his knees....
Then at home – a punishment follows: The girl is spanked on her bare bottom, by a heavy strong hand of her father. But the mother still thinks it’s not enough and encourages her husband to add more and more strokes, until the butt of their daughter is all flaming and red as an apple.
And thereafter, the mother sends her husband to the homestead, to tell the landowner what her son has done. She then bursts into the cottage – not believing what has happened. But after the two young people confess, she orders her son to put his pants down, and gives him a proper thrashing in front of everyone. She simply has to show those bumpkins how a traditional upbringing is performed.
It only seems that this might be an end of this story.... but suddenly the parents of the poor girl come up with a plan.... Their daughter would probably have a better life with this boy – a single inheritor, son of wealthy parents from a homestead, who have so many fields and cows....
So they ostentatiously leave for a visit to their aunt one Sunday, anticipating what is going to happen in their suddenly empty house....
Not surprisingly – the young couple make use of the opportunity – and together enjoy a very tender sex. But suddenly – the girl’s mother suddenly bursts into the room as a bat out of hell!
And this time not only hand executes the punishment – a flexible hazel rod draws red stripes on the two bare bottoms with no mercy, while the poor couple cries in pain.
Is this finally the end? Or...
To find out how this is going to end, see our new movie „My Sweet Little Village“



Detention House 3: Whose bread you eat, his song you sing​


Year: 2004
Resolution: 352x288
Duration: 00:32:33


Stories set in detention houses and schools where young ladies experience ruthless chastisement have been very popular. So we have a new treat for you - Detention House 3.
This movie takes us to the girls’ detention house. The young headmistress isn’t having an easy day – one of the school’s most important patrons is visiting. And he is extremely discontented with the level of discipline among her students. It is clear after a short discussion that the financial situation of the school and even its very existence depend on the satisfaction of this mysterious man.
The humiliated headmistress becomes a cold and rigid beast while observing the three forlorn girls standing in front of her, embarrassed and frightened out of their senses. The headmistress reprimands each of them. And none of them is found blameless. The next morning, before their lessons, the girls must visit the bursar. All of them now what that means. They merely lower their eyes and await their fate. The next day the wretched girls stand in the bursar’s room. They hear their sentence. Their eyes are full of fear when they slowly put away their school uniforms. Short linen dresses, unfolding with every step, cannot cover their shame and nakedness.
There is someone else in the room. What is she doing here? We soon find out. The poor girls will not just be beaten. First they must be prepared for the punishment. So the girls come forward and the nurse gives them an enema. In their innocent eyes we see such pain and abasement. The girls suffer when the merciless nurse inserts the rough nozzles into their maiden bottoms. She torments them as the purifying fluid flows into their young bodies…
Meanwhile, the executor is deciding which implement he will use for a proper punishment. He is observing the tools, examining them in his hand. Finally he decides. The girls are fastened to a special construction in a room reserved for punishments. Their young, shivering bodies await a harsh whipping.
The executioner is coming. He watches the girls' terror salaciously, enjoying the shame and nakedness they cannot conceal. And then the punishment begins… Exposed private parts are cruelly beaten. The girls cry and try to avoid the strokes, without success. The soft skin of their buttocks and thighs is soon covered with red marks. But the ruthless man is not mollified by the screaming, crying and pleading. He beats the girls without remorse. Each of them must endure forty strokes on her naked body.
Surely now he will leave the poor beaten girls alone. Surely now he will release them.
Far from it!
Caustic ointment is applied to the girls' sore backsides and private parts. That will show them what’s what! Such screaming and crying! What suffering!
Punished and humiliated, the girls stand in the headmistress’s room, displaying their punished bottoms to the patron. The mysterious man doesn’t want to be recognized. The girls don’t see his face; they don’t know who caused their suffering. Finally, they hang notices around their necks saying that they were beaten and then they are dismissed. Certainly they will be followed by the looks of their friends. Compassionate as well as scornful looks
At last we see the face of the unknown man. Who is this person? Who is this monster who persecutes innocent girls? We won’t tell you. Only those of you who see Detention House 3, produced by Lupus Pictures, will learn the whole truth. You won’t be disappointed.





Year: 2005
Resolution: 640x480
Duration: 00:20:18

A hot summer night, locusts, a dark luxurious house… We’re in the 60s – on one hand the time of “flower power” and bright colors – and on the other – hypocrisy, narrow-mindedness and the misunderstanding older generation. This is the setting of the new movie by Lupus Pictures called “Girlfriends”.
The slamming of a car door, the sound of an eight-cylinder engine made by the receding Cadillac, and a girl lithely walks across the silent area in front of the villa. If only her father won’t wake up, if only he won’t see her coming home so late... Unfortunately this is only her wishful thinking.
The silence of the hall is disturbed by the clock-striking. And then we hear the click of a light switch as a beam of light shines on the terrified daughter. This is going to be bad.
Just before he spanks his daughter, the father realizes that something is wrong. Her dress is inside out and her underwear is missing completely. Where the hell has his daughter been and what has she been doing?
And then the first spanking comes – a long and intense session. The girl is bent over her father’s knee and her bottom is slapped by his tough punishing hand for a long, long time. But this is not enough – after some time the father fetches a leather slipper and starts all over again. This is going to be severe. And very painful. The poor girl is crying her eyes out.
But how can he prevent his daughter from continuing her immoral behaving? Particularly when we learn she’s not a virgin anymore? Well, the old generations knew their stuff. And why shouldn’t her father use a lovely chastity belt, which proved to be so useful and effective in the past?
The mother understands her daughter. Once the father – a corvette captain – is on duty she wants to relieve her poor daughter. She tries the key – but it doesn’t fit the lock! Why not? Yes, the lock is different now; somebody must have changed it. This is serious. It’s necessary to call the father.
And here comes the scene you’ve never seen before. In the office of the honorable navy officer we witness the hardest paddling that has ever been filmed. Fifty strokes with a heavy wooden paddle swung with all the strength of the master’s muscular arm. She has no other choice than to confess who changed the lock on her chastity belt. And here we go – it was her best friend, Dana. “Dana, Dana, Dana!” she cries between the final blows as the horrible tool ravages her dark purple, swollen buttocks.
After one more phone call, Dana is brought to the house by her own father. The good men sympathize with each other. It is necessary to punish the other naughty girl as well. Now a heavy belt comes into play – the belt of a stern man, which will make an impression on the bare bottom of a delicate girl. Between the individual strokes, her father barks threats and warnings at her. Again we can witness fifty blows with the thick heavy belt to her delicate little bottom. He won’t tolerate this.
The crying girls stand half-naked in the corner. Their fathers can have a toast. They have done the best that they could for their daughters. Really? After these good men understand what has really happened, the mother knows the only proper solution...
A simple but lovely plot that doesn’t neglect any of the things you like – shame, nakedness, spanking, crying… And as with all movies by Lupus Pictures, the great setting and fast-paced events will definitely draw you in. Enjoy it!




The Cheap Trick​

Year: 2003
Resolution: 640x480
Duration: 00:19:35


What about a mystery story? Do you think that it cannot be used as good background for a good spanking story? The opposite is true – let us persuade you that a movie story from “the other side of the bar” can be just what you’re looking for. Strict spanking, fun – and a bit “gangster” humor as well…
A young fellow whose income is obviously not completely legal, is at home and obviously bored. Modern house, luxurious life - but otherwise empty. What could he do? Porno movies from VCR are not the thing, so he logs onto the Internet and orders a girl - escort. Having confirmed the order, the fellow lightens up – he is looking forward to meet the chick. He has just enough time to get a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and here she comes!
Doorbell rings…
Meanwhile, we see two girls reaching his door. How come two? Did he order something wilder? No, he did not. The girls are thieves. It becomes all clear when one hands the other a tube of sleeping pills and the other replies that sex games are out of question today. One girl will play prostitute, the other will wait for her signal and then come to help her “clean out” the house.
The brunette meets the guy at the door, looking at him provocatively. He is satisfied with what he sees and looks forward to a pleasant afternoon. He pours the wine and disappears in the bedroom.
At the very moment, the face of the concubine changes. She becomes a rugged professional. Dumps Rohypnol pills in the guy’s glass. But he’s cautious and notices her act through semi-open door.
“Swine”, he murmurs. And immediately decides to play a little game with the girl. Return to the shower, slams the door and goes back to living room, whistling along the way. He orders the girl to perform striptease for him and while the girl looks other way, he switches the glasses. So the girl sips the vile drink she had prepared for him. She gets very sleepy on her way to the bedroom, and after some masturbation he wanted to see, she falls asleep.
Fun begins now for the guy. He ties her using gaffer’s tape and dumps the contents of her handbag on the carpet. Along with her mobile phone, which just displays a text message: “Is he asleep?”
The guy decides instantly. Takes his favorite gun from the drawer and prepares to meet the second girl. When she enters the house, he drops her to the floor: “Don’t move or I’ll gut you!“
Would you like to know what awaits the two girls? We will only tell you that their butts will be severely punished. A party is ahead, a party which they could never imagine. And when it’s over, they’ll have to…
No, we won’t tell you more. See the movie - it has all that you expect from it and something more!


