
Yorna v1.2.5 is up for download. You can get it here:

Windows – Google Disk | Mega mirror

MacOS X – Google Disk | Mega mirror

Linux family – Google Disk | Mega mirror

Android – Google Disk | Mega mirror

Don’t forget to copy your entire save folder into the new release to keep all your progress.
The public release wave is up for grabs, don’t forget to check it out!

Anubis sprite is ready and I’m currently polishing narrative part for both monster girls. Pharaoh’s H scene is already here, it just needs a few tweaks here and there. Anubis fun pics will arrive right before the release.

Speaking of the release, you can expect the new version to arrive at the usual time – the middle of the month. If something goes wrong, I will make a separate info post about the reasons and the new date. Though, at the moment, nothing suggests the delay.

Tech-wise, the release is ready and I’m simply polishing and playtesting the new content. The game will be ready to roll out once the last bits of art arrives.

I gathered a lot of feedback concerning the ambiance sounds and the dedicated control option. Most of the players want to see it, and I will implement this feature in v.1.3.5. Doing it in the upcoming release is rather risky since modding this will touch the base RPG Maker functions and I will need some time to properly test it afterward.

Fixed a desync between Ada’s emotion and dress layers after the miniscene in the kitsune temple.

New monster girls 2 / 2

New H scenes 2 / 4

New puzzles & trap tracks 2 / 2

New dresses 1 / 1

Yorna v1.3 is up for download! Aside from the new story content and usual puzzle & treasure hunting, you’ll find 2 new monster girls. With kitsunes’ support, Ada is finally able to sneak into the forest surrounding the cultists’ camp. Will she be able to face Yorna to end the story? See it yourselves!

You can get the new version here.

Also, I’ve received feedback about PSD and high-resolution art packs being unavailable. Looks like this happens because Google Drive blocks the download option after reaching a certain threshold on the downloads. I’ll upload additional materials on the mirror sites for v1.2.5 (tomorrow) and all the upcoming updates (done for v1.3). Sorry for the trouble, didn’t know about such limitations.

H content

The update brings 2 new H events with 2 options each. You can get the first pair from new common enemies – Anubis girls who roam in the tropical forest on Ikko island. The second pair of scenes feature the new boss – Pharaoh Ife with a bit of maniacal lewd ideas. She’s in the same zone.

New features and activities

The kitsune quest’s ending is ready. Help Ayane with all the preparations and see how this mini-story will end. You will get an alternative look for the Miko dress and another pack of kitsune-flavored cutscenes.

The first puzzle is ready is based on the pipe-turning, where you’ll need to connect two exit points with different kinds of pieces.

The second puzzle features a QTE minigame. It’s not hard to complete and will serve as a feedback test for players since I plan to use this module for a greater variety of minigames in future updates and projects. You can use either mouse/touchpad or keyboard arrows to select the runes appearing on the obelisk. Getting the right glyph will allow you to move further and picking the wrong one will reduce the timer you have for the current round.

I gathered a lot of feedback concerning the ambiance sounds and the dedicated control option for them. Most of the players want to see it, and I will implement this feature in v.1.3.5.

Small fixes and improvements

Fixed a desync between Ada’s emotion and dress layers after the miniscene in the kitsune temple.

Added the second part of reactions to Ada being naked. It’s mainly focused on the castle grounds.

Fixed music not playing after loading a saved game in the new mountain zone.

Fixed Wisdom and Balance skill. Now it adds the correct amount of bonus stats.

Fixed the healing statues. Some of them weren’t blinking with the orb, and players didn’t think they could activate them. Now all healing shrines should have their animations on at all times.

Stay tuned for news and upcoming monster girl poll! As always, if you don’t like something about the game – tell me and if you like Yorna – tell your friends ^^
Hello, let's talk about what's coming up. v1.3.5 will be the last story update for Yorna. After that, I'll start the transition to the new monster girl project. During this period, I will add more content to Yorna like domination H scenes for common enemies and extra interaction with monster girls. So, it won't be a silent period. As for the length of this transition, it’s hard to tell at the moment but it will be safe to assume that it will take at least 2 months after v1.3.5 release.

The new project will be based in a fantasy setting with monster girls with RPG Maker running as the engine. Instead of adding new tech stuff as I did with Ouroboros Syndrome, this time I want to focus on simpler gameplay elements and H content. I'll post more info later.

You can expect polls about the new project, teaser picture and other stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm always happy to get some player feedback, so if you want to share your thoughts - by all means. Just contact me in any way comfortable for you.

The ambiance sound control will arrive in the next update. Most likely it will get into the next project too since you liked the idea of extra ambiance on the maps.

Stay tuned for updates and don't forget to participate in the new monster girl poll!

Let’s see how the monster girl poll ended! Chimaera wins the race with 39 points. The second place goes to Dark Mage with 30 while Dullahan finishes third with 26 points. Vampire gets 25 points, Wight has 17 points and Nurarihyon gets 13. Alrighty, gotta shrink these beast heads though.

You can easily check for new posts with the ”Poll” tag filter by simply clicking on it in the upper part of Patreon’s page.
The Master release wave is up for grabs, don’t forget to check it out!

The artists are hard at work and I expect some art to pop up during the week. Namely, Sarana’s H scene and the last addition to Ada’s already impressive wardrobe. It will be a lewd dress from one of the Octa enclaves. 3 H scenes are planned for v1.3.5 (not counting the variations), so stay tuned for updates.

Anubis scene from the previous update will get a small touch-up since the artist didn’t have time to do this before the release. I’ll add the art both to the game and the art packs for tier rewards.

Speaking about H scenes, I’m polishing new Sarana’s event. You can get it in the baron’s mansion after watching the cutscene about Jinko. This H scene will feature group action with some male clients. BECAUSE NOONE CAN STEAL MY TIGER GIRL! *slams a fist into the table* The narrative part is already done and I’m waiting for the art.

As planned, I’m working on getting the ambiance sound control for the options. It’s almost done but requires some testing since the new way of playing ambiance is not compatible with the previous one. So, double-checking is in order to avoid some nasty bugs.

v1.3.5 will bring another trap tack with rolling boulders and spikes. Yeah, similar to the one you can already see in the castle’s ruins on Ikko island. Looks like players liked this type of reflex-based activity the most. Also, I plan to gather feedback on the quick time event from the previous update. Though a bit later, then more players could try it out.

Fixed a grammar error in the description of “Vigil Aeterna” skill. No changes in logic and stats.

New monster girls 0 / 1

New H scenes 0 / 5

New puzzles & trap tracks 0 / 1

New dresses 0 / 1
The Magus release wave is up for grabs, don’t forget to check it out!

Sadly, all the art is still in production due to various minor hiccups and artists’ problems in real life. It’s a bit of an uncomfortable shift, but I don’t think this will affect the release date. The new dress, Sarana’s mansion and Yorna’s H scenes should arrive during this week. I hope the new monster girl will join the fun too but it’s kinda iffy.

2 out of 3 H scenes are ready narrative-wise. Sarana’s and Yorna’s to be exact. So, I’m waiting for the art to arrive and code them into the game. After this, I’ll mark both of them as ready.

I’m done with the story maps tileset-wise and focus on adding the logic events and triggers. Despite this, I’m thinking about adding some extras for the endings cutscenes. We’ll see how this will play out.

Ambiance sound control is ready logic-wise. It took me some time to run all the tests, yet it was worth the effort – some potential bugs were fixed as the result. Now, I just need to adjust the options menu with a fitting background.

The new trap tack is ready too. It is similar to the one you can already see in the castle’s, but I added more spice to the action by using both dimensions to roll the boulders. If you liked the previous track, this one will be your cup of tea. Of course, these traps are optional and won’t affect the main plot.

Increased “heart” icons in trap track zones so players could clearly see how many tries they can do even with lower resolution displays.

All healing points where Ada can meditate in trap track zones are now renewable. You can use them only one time during the “run” but if you leave the zone and get back, they will be available again. This also affects the previous castle ruin trap zone.

New monster girls 0 / 1

New H scenes 0 / 5

New puzzles & trap tracks 1 / 1

New dresses 0 / 1
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Looks like this release is the hardest one from the art point of view. Sarana’s and Yorna’s H scenes are here just as I predicted earlier. Yet the Chimera takes longer than expected to arrive. The artist had some real-life problems and currently working on these full-time. Most likely this will cause a delay, but currently, I can’t provide any dates. The dress is on the safer side and should arrive this week.

2 out of 3 H scenes are ready for shipment and I’m currently waiting for Chimera, both character art and H event art. Though it’s ready narrative-wise, so it will be pretty easy to launch after I’ll get it.

All maps are done and I’m focusing on the custscenes and other endgame stuff like adding extras to the endings. I’ll try to cover all of them, yet there’s a chance some will be revisited in the EX version akin to the previous finale.

Also, good news for players who decided to support me on Stream. Yorna received confirmation to use community items like trading cards and badges. I’ll try to prepare these before the release, since most likely the rollout will be later than usual due to art problems.

If all goes well, v1.3.5 will bring out the full set of trading cards, emoticons, backgrounds and badges. Though there’s no guarantee – Valve needs to check all materials before enabling them, and I don’t have a clue how long such a check will be. Also, I plan to make a new, more dynamic teaser for Yorna.

Fixed an issue that prevented old saves files from activating some of ending cutscenes. Players don’t need to do anything. The change is purely internal.

New monster girls 0 / 1

New H scenes 3 / 5

New puzzles & trap tracks 1 / 1

New dresses 0 / 1

Yorna v1.3.5 is up for download! Aside from the new story content and a new trap track, you’ll find 1 new monster girl and a special H scene with Sarana. It’s time to finish Yorna once and for all! Will Ada be able to stop her before it’s too late? It’s up to you!

You can get the new version here.

H content

Aside from the usual 2 new H events with 2 options each, v1.3.5 brings a special one. It’s a revenge H scene with Sarana. You can get it after watching the mini-cutscene where she steals a certain something from the camp. Then visit the mansion. It’s a one-shot scene, so if you want to see it again, use the gallery.

As for the usual H events, you can get the first pair from new common enemies – Chimeras in Yorna’s lair on Ikko island. The second pair of scenes comes from the big butterfly herself. She’s in the same zone.

Also, Anubis’s scene from the previous release got a touch-up art-wise.

New features and activities

Ambiance sound control is ready. It took me some time to run all the tests, yet it was worth the effort – some potential bugs were fixed as the result. Now, you can adjust the ambiance volume level via the usual options menu.

Also, I added ambiance tracks to all zones except safe indoor maps. Now, there are 6 new tracks in the mix. Feel free to share your thoughts on this – do you like the new addition?

There’s a new trap tack too. It is similar to the one you can already see in the castle’s ruins, but I added more spice to the action by using both dimensions to roll the boulders. If you liked the previous track, this one will be your cup of tea. Of course, these traps maps are optional and won’t affect the main plot.

Completed the dress collection in the gallery. There you can see all the dresses in the game and perhaps spot several that you missed in your playthrough.

The Steam version received a new promo teaser and full trading card support. Check it out if you are a fan of these. There are interesting smiles and collectible cards with your favorite monster girls. Please note, since the cards are visible to everyone on Steam, Valve filtered out even semi-lewd options.

Small fixes and improvements

Fixed an issue that prevented old saves files from activating some of the ending cutscenes. Players don’t need to do anything. The change is purely internal.

Increased “heart” icons in trap track zones so players could clearly see how many tries they can do even with lower resolution displays.

All healing points where Ada can meditate in trap track zones are now renewable. You can use them only one time during the “run” but if you leave the zone and get back, they will be available again. This also affects the previous castle ruins’ trap zone.

Fixed a grammar error in the description of “Vigil Aeterna” skill. No changes in logic and stats.

Increased map’s length in Ice Peaks East zone since some players had trouble finding the Eastern exit.

Rearranged the castle's travel menu options. More visited places like Ada's room and the courtyard are now closer to the top of the list.

Fixed a rare case of bug in Grey castle’s kitchen where ambiance sounds would stop playing even if the player canceled the exit sequence.

Adjusted all ambiance tracks by trimming the loop transaction moments.

Fixed the mansion ambiance bug. Now it properly plays back along with background music after H scenes.

Adjusted geometry in several zones.

Added an option to talk with Ayane on the upper tile of her table sprite since some players considered it to be a bug.

Stay tuned for news! As always, if you don’t like something about the game – tell me, and if you like Yorna – tell your friends ^^